Year | Publication |
1969 | "Brood Habitat of the Hooded Merganser" in Journal of Wildlife Management |
1974 | "Courtship in the pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management |
1974 | "Agnostic behavior of territorial pronghorn bucks" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management |
1974 | "Social Behavior and Ecology of the Pronghorn" in Wildlife Monographs |
1979 | "The ecology of Roosevelt elk in and around Redwood National Park" in Dissertations |
1987 | "Sex and Age-class Differences in Vocalizations of Roosevelt Elk During Rut" in The American Midland Naturalist |
1987 | "Significance of Scent-Marking by Roosevelt Elk" in Journal of Mammalogy |
1988 | "Mating system shift in a pronghorn population" in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology |
2002 | "Comparison of Indices to Estimate Abundance of Dusky-Footed Woodrats" in Wildlife Society Bulletin |
2008 | "Gender-Related Differences in Nursing Behavior by Roosevelt Elk" in Northwestern Naturalist |