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Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1442
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Skola, Dylan 2023

"Data from SF2523: Dual PI3K/BRD4 Inhibitor Blocks Tumor Immunosuppression and Promotes Adaptive Immune Responses in Cancer" in American Association for Cancer Research

Skola, Dylan 2023

"Supplementary Figures S1-S6 and Tables S1-S2 from SF2523: Dual PI3K/BRD4 Inhibitor Blocks Tumor Immunosuppression and Promotes Adaptive Immune Responses in Cancer" in American Association for Cancer Research

Skola, Dylan 2023

"Supplementary Data from SF2523: Dual PI3K/BRD4 Inhibitor Blocks Tumor Immunosuppression and Promotes Adaptive Immune Responses in Cancer" in American Association for Cancer Research

Smith Metok, Molly 2023

"Assessing the recovery of forest understory vegetation after clearcut logging across a 445-year chronosequence" in Theses and Projects

Smith, Alexander D. 2023

"Prevalence of Hesperevax sparsiflora var. brevifolia (short-leaved evax) at Ocean Ranch, Humboldt County, California: exploring the effects of disturbance" in Theses and Projects

Smith, Brian D. 2023

"Is the demand for fish swim bladders driving the extinction of globally endangered marine wildlife?" in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

Smith, Chris J. 2023

"Habitat selection by an avian predator of insect pests on Jamaican coffee farms" in Global Ecology and Conservation

Smith, Jessica 2023

"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square

Smith, Jessica 2024

"Health risks associated with smoking versus injecting fentanyl among people who use drugs in California" in Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Snell, Sydney 2023

"Contrast of Smokeless Tobacco and it's Microbiological Footprint in Users and Non-Users" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology

Som, Nicholas A 2023

"Restoration pulse flows from a California dam temporarily increase drifting invertebrate biomass concentration" in Journal of Environmental Management

Som, Nicholas A 2023

"Calibration of the Trinity River Stream Salmonid Simulator (S3) with Extension to the Klamath River, California, 2006–17" in US Geological Survey Open-File Report

Som, Nicholas A 2023

"A life cycle model for evaluating estuary residency and recovery potential in Chinook salmon" in Fisheries Research

Som, Nicholas A 2023

"Deconstructing dams and disease: predictions for salmon disease risk following Klamath River dam removals" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Somerville, Conor 2023

"Likelihood of Agonistic Behavior by Gull Species in Humboldt County Based on Relative Body Size" in ideaFest Posters

Souza, Tasha J. 2023

"Service-Learning and Interpersonal Communication: Connecting Students With the Community" in Routledge eBooks

Sprowles, Amy E 2023

"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square

Spruiell, Garrett 2023

"African Presence in the Ancient New World" in ideaFest Poster

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Forum: doing historical international relations" in Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Transversal Politics of Big Tech" in International Political Sociology

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Response to Joel Ng’s Review of Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics" in Perspectives on Politics

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Review of Contesting Sovereignty: Power and Practice in Africa and Southeast Asia" in Perspectives on Politics

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Algorithmic Governance and the International Politics of Big Tech" in Perspectives on Politics

Stanton, Meghan 2023

"Sustainability in Mental Health" in ideaFest Poster

Stebbins, Timothy D. 2023

"Review and guide to the isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda) of littoral and sublittoral marine habitats in the Southern California Bight" in ZooKeys