Skola, Dylan |
2023 |
"Data from SF2523: Dual PI3K/BRD4 Inhibitor Blocks Tumor Immunosuppression and Promotes Adaptive Immune Responses in Cancer" in American Association for Cancer Research |
Skola, Dylan |
2023 |
"Supplementary Figures S1-S6 and Tables S1-S2 from SF2523: Dual PI3K/BRD4 Inhibitor Blocks Tumor Immunosuppression and Promotes Adaptive Immune Responses in Cancer" in American Association for Cancer Research |
Skola, Dylan |
2023 |
"Supplementary Data from SF2523: Dual PI3K/BRD4 Inhibitor Blocks Tumor Immunosuppression and Promotes Adaptive Immune Responses in Cancer" in American Association for Cancer Research |
Smith Metok, Molly |
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"Assessing the recovery of forest understory vegetation after clearcut logging across a 445-year chronosequence" in Theses and Projects |
Smith, Alexander D. |
2023 |
"Prevalence of Hesperevax sparsiflora var. brevifolia (short-leaved evax) at Ocean Ranch, Humboldt County, California: exploring the effects of disturbance" in Theses and Projects |
Smith, Brian D. |
2023 |
"Is the demand for fish swim bladders driving the extinction of globally endangered marine wildlife?" in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems |
Smith, Chris J. |
2023 |
"Habitat selection by an avian predator of insect pests on Jamaican coffee farms" in Global Ecology and Conservation |
Smith, Jessica |
2023 |
"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square |
Smith, Jessica |
2024 |
"Health risks associated with smoking versus injecting fentanyl among people who use drugs in California" in Drug and Alcohol Dependence |
Snell, Sydney |
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"Contrast of Smokeless Tobacco and it's Microbiological Footprint in Users and Non-Users" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology |
Som, Nicholas A |
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"Restoration pulse flows from a California dam temporarily increase drifting invertebrate biomass concentration" in Journal of Environmental Management |
Som, Nicholas A |
2023 |
"Calibration of the Trinity River Stream Salmonid Simulator (S3) with Extension to the Klamath River, California, 2006–17" in US Geological Survey Open-File Report |
Som, Nicholas A |
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"A life cycle model for evaluating estuary residency and recovery potential in Chinook salmon" in Fisheries Research |
Som, Nicholas A |
2023 |
"Deconstructing dams and disease: predictions for salmon disease risk following Klamath River dam removals" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
Somerville, Conor |
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"Likelihood of Agonistic Behavior by Gull Species in Humboldt County Based on Relative Body Size" in ideaFest Posters |
Souza, Tasha J. |
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"Service-Learning and Interpersonal Communication: Connecting Students With the Community" in Routledge eBooks |
Sprowles, Amy E |
2023 |
"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square |
Spruiell, Garrett |
2023 |
"African Presence in the Ancient New World" in ideaFest Poster |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Forum: doing historical international relations" in Cambridge Review of International Affairs |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Transversal Politics of Big Tech" in International Political Sociology |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Response to Joel Ng’s Review of Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics" in Perspectives on Politics |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Review of Contesting Sovereignty: Power and Practice in Africa and Southeast Asia" in Perspectives on Politics |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Algorithmic Governance and the International Politics of Big Tech" in Perspectives on Politics |
Stanton, Meghan |
2023 |
"Sustainability in Mental Health" in ideaFest Poster |
Stebbins, Timothy D. |
2023 |
"Review and guide to the isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda) of littoral and sublittoral marine habitats in the Southern California Bight" in ZooKeys |