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Displaying 126 - 150 of 1446
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Rainey III, Kenneth L. 2023

"A black Prometheus among the gods: illuminating African American literary tradition in Sam Greenlee's The Spook Who Sat by the Door" in Theses and Projects

Ruland, Kalyn G. 2023

"Collaborative Preparation of Special Educators and Adapted Physical Educators" in Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Preparation for Equitable Special Education

Hoyle, Charles D. 2023

"Environmental Monitoring for Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns" in ideaFest Poster

Petlewski, Alaina R. 2023

""Taxonomic insights from floral scents of western North American sessile-flowered Trillium" in American Journal of Botany

Schafer, Ben 2023

"Functional analysis of Rickettsia monacensis strain humboldt folA dihydrofolate reductase gene via complementation assay" in Ticks and Tick-born Diseases

Deibner-Hanson, John D. 2023

"A life cycle model for evaluating estuary residency and recovery potential in Chinook salmon" in Fisheries Research

Pacheco, Vanessa 2023

"Tidal, Geological, and Biological Impacts to Humboldt Bay's pH" in CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change

Meisel, Joshua S. 2023

"A tale of two cannabis legalization experiments" in Policy Options

Black, Jeffrey M. 2023

"North American River Otter diet includes invasive Sacramento Pikeminnow and herpetofauna on South Fork Eel River, Northern California" in Northwestern Naturalist

Purchio, Garrett 2023

"The Student News Digital Archive at Cal Poly Humboldt" in ideaFest Journal

Dick, Cory M. 2023

"Prey ration, temperature, and predator species influence digestion rates of prey DNA inferred from qPCR and metabarcoding" in Molecular Ecology Resources

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Review of Contesting Sovereignty: Power and Practice in Africa and Southeast Asia" in Perspectives on Politics

Luttrell, Elizabeth 2023

"Oh Sh*t! Roosevelt Elk Spread Invasive Plants" in ideaFest Posters

Malikyar, Amir 2023

"Temporal Changes in Body Conditions of Wintering Waterfowl in Humboldt Bay" in ideaFest Posters

McAdams, Daylee 2023

"Meet our Makerspace Student Employee" in Check Out the Library

Campos, Brent R. 2023

"Habitat selection by an avian predator of insect pests on Jamaican coffee farms" in Global Ecology and Conservation

Zamboni, Rob J. 2023

"Creating an internal work-based learning program for students who are not college-bound" in Theses and Projects

Rodriguez, Destiny 2023

"Por Mi" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Dzotsenidze, Nino 2023

"Anti-Asian Racism during COVID-19: Emotional Challenges, Coping, and Implications for Asian American History Teaching" in Education Sciences

Wan, Ho Yi 2023

"Spatial and temporal dynamics of Mexican spotted owl habitat in the southwestern US" in Landscape Ecology

Johnson, Matthew D. 2023

"Habitat selection by an avian predator of insect pests on Jamaican coffee farms" in Global Ecology and Conservation

Chalker, Brooke A. 2023

"The sinoatrial node extracellular matrix promotes pacemaker phenotype and protects automaticity in engineered heart tissues from cyclic strain" in Cell Reports

Lipe, Daniel 2023

"Utilizing Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Western Science in Education in Indigenous STEM education: Sociocultural Explorations of Science Education

Radzin, Bryan 2023

From The Mind Of Critic: 2022

Varner, J. Morgan 2023

"Multivariate roles of litter traits on moisture and flammability of temperate northeastern North American tree species" in Fire Ecology