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Displaying 1251 - 1275 of 1442
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Fox, Stephen Carey 2023

The Best Laid Plans: When Life Imitates Art

French, Cecilia C. 2023

"Cultural and Ecological Restoration of School Creek at Blue Lake Rancheria, Humboldt County, CA" in Theses and Projects

Lopez, Alicia 2023

"Our Need for Space" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Railsback, Steven F. 2023

"Individual-based modelling of hydropeaking effects on brown trout and Atlantic salmon in a regulated river" in River Research and Applications

Gottscho, Andrew D. 2023

"High resolution mapping of the tumor microenvironment using integrated single-cell, spatial and in situ analysis" in Nature Communications

Browne, Brandon L. 2023

"Structure of shallow magma sources beneath Augustine Volcano (Alaska) inferred from local earthquake tomography" in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Kontos, Anthony P. 2023

"Evidence for a multidomain clinical assessment of mild traumatic brain injury in older adults" in Applied Neuropsychology: Adult

Kim, Junghoon 2023

"Urinary Phthalate Metabolites and Slow Walking Speed in the Korean Elderly Environmental Panel II Study" in Environmental Health Perspectives

Lipe, Daniel 2023

"Transformative Sea-level Rise Research and Planning: Establishing a University, Tribal, and Community Partnership for a Resilient California North Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Hahn, Amanda C. 2023

"Does cleft palate repair surgery restore normal neural processing for infant faces?" in ideaFest Poster

Biddle, Mathew M. 2023

"Easy Resources for Managing Your Ocean Data" in ESIP

Torres, Minerva 2023

"Body is Soil, Hair is Flower" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Roche, Johnny S. 2023

"Effects of pH, eelgrass, and settlement substrate on the growth of juvenile magallana (crassostrea) gigas, a commercially important oyster species" in Theses and Projects

Deshmukh, Ranjit 2023

"The Health and Climate Benefits of Economic Dispatch in China’s Power System" in Environmental Science and Technology

Stebbins, Timothy D. 2023

"Review and guide to the isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda) of littoral and sublittoral marine habitats in the Southern California Bight" in ZooKeys

Varner, J. Morgan 2023

"Hydrologic-based modelling of burn depth potentials in degraded peat soils" in Hydrological Processes


Wan, Ho Yi 2023

"Seventy-two models of large mammal connectivity across Panama: insights into a critical biogeographic linkage zone" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Garwood, Justin M. 2023

"Larval Life History of Coastal Tailed Frogs (Ascaphus truei) Across an Elevational Gradient in Northern California: Implications for a Changing Climate" in Journal of Herpetology

Berrill, John-Pascal 2023

"Heavy crown thinning in redwood/Douglas-fir gave superior forest restoration outcomes after 10 years" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Heikka-Huber, Lisa 2023

"Reflective Perspective" in ideaFest Journal

Villasenor, Magdalena A. 2023

"Measuring new growth of kinnikinnick and brown elfin butterfly abundance at the Ma-le’l & Lanphere Dunes: implications for the management of the seaside hoary elfin butterfly" in Theses and Projects

Wardman, Colin D. 2023

"Fluid-like electrodes and Purple Phototrophic Bacteria: bridging the gap in wastewater biorefineries" in Chemical Engineering Journal

Sheldon, Brittany 2023

Northern Ghanaian Women’s Artistry Visualizing Culture

Younger, Aang 2023

"Shame, Fear, Breath, and Love" in Toyon

Holmes, Alison R. 2023

"Introduction to Theme 3: Networks of Economy and Trade" in csuglobaljournal