Belamaric, Pairsa N. |
2021 |
"Foothill yellow-legged frog breeding biology in a semi-regulated river, Humboldt County, CA" in California Fish and Wildlife Special CESA Issue |
Belamaric, Pairsa N. |
2021 |
"Challenges in updating habitat suitability models: An example with the lesser prairie-chicken" in PLoS One |
Belle, Payton |
2021 |
"The Mental Health of our Military" in Osprey |
Berge, Shannon |
2021 |
HSU Staff Cookbook 2020 - 2021 |
Berge, Shannon |
2021 |
"Redwood Roots Magazine" in ideaFest Poster |
Bernal, Alexis A. |
2021 |
"Mixed-conifer forest reference conditions for privately owned timberland in the southern Cascade Range" in Ecological Applications
Bernal, Alexis A. |
2021 |
"Longer-term impacts of fuel reduction treatments on forest structure, fuels, and drought resistance in the Lake Tahoe Basin" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Beronilla, Brianne |
2021 |
"Music Artists in Humboldt Persevere through the Pandemic" in Osprey |
Berrill, John-Pascal |
2021 |
"76-year decline and recovery of aspen mediated by contrasting fire regimes: Long-unburned, infrequent and frequent mixed-severity wildfire" in PLOS ONE |
Berrill, John-Pascal |
2021 |
"Development of redwood regeneration after conifer partial harvest and hardwood management" in Forest Science |
Berrill, John-Pascal |
2021 |
"Microsite requirements for successful regeneration in lowland northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) forests" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2021 |
"Biological Observation Data Standardization - A Primer for Data Managers" in ESIP |
Biggins, Dean E. |
2021 |
"Environmental and prey‐based factors underpinning variability in prairie dogs eaten by black‐footed ferrets" in Ecosphere |
Biggins, Dean E. |
2021 |
"Enzootic plague reduces survival of Mexican woodrats (Neotoma mexicana) in Colorado" in Ecosphere |
Biggins, Dean E. |
2021 |
"Plague transforms positive effects of precipitation on prairie dogs to negative effects" in International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife |
Biles, Charles M. |
2021 |
The History of Congressional Apportionment, revised
Biondo, Vincent |
2021 |
"Islam, the Basics" in Theology & Religion Online |
Biondo, Vincent |
2021 |
"Islam und Citizenship" in Handbuch Islamische Religionspadagokik
Biondo, Vincent |
2021 |
"Muslims in North America" in Theology & Religion Online |
Bippus, Alexander C. |
2021 |
"Cynodontium luthii sp. nov.: a permineralized moss gametophyte from the Late Cretaceous of the North Slope of Alaska" in American Journal of Botany |
Bippus, Alexander C. |
2021 |
"Taxon sampling and alternative hypotheses of relationships in the euphyllophyte plexus that gave rise to seed plants: insights from an Early Devonian radiatopsid" in New Phytologist |
Bippus, Alexander C. |
2021 |
"Defying death: incorporating fossils into the phylogeny of the complex thalloid liverworts (Marchantiidae, Marchantiophyta) confirms high order clades but reveals discrepancies in family-level relationships" in Cladistics |
Bippus, Alexander C. |
2021 |
"Palynology of a short sequence of the Lower Devonian Beartooth Butte Formation at Cottonwood Canyon (Wyoming): age, depositional environments and plant diversity" in Papers in Palaeontology |
Bjorkstedt, Eric P. |
2021 |
"State of the California Current 2019–2020: Back to the Future With Marine Heatwaves?" in Frontiers in Marine Science |
Bjorkstedt, Eric P. |
2022 |
"State of the California Current Ecosystem in 2021: Winter is coming?" in Frontiers in Marine Science |