First Name: Daniel C.Last Name: BartonPublications: YearPublication 2003"Juvenile and Adult Survival of Swainson's Thrush (Catharus Ustulatus) in Coastal California: Annual Estimates Using Capture-Recapture Analyses" in The Auk 2010"Off-Highway Vehicle Trail Impacts on Breeding Songbirds in Northeastern California" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2011"Growth Rate Variation Among Passerine Species in Tropical and Temperate Sites: An Antagonistic Interaction Between Parental Food Provisioning and Nest Predation Risk" in Evolution 2015"Bird communities in sun and shade coffee farms in Kenya" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2017"Post-breeding population dynamics indicate upslope molt-migration by Wilson's Warblers" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2018"Sympatric population divergence within a highly pelagic seabird species complex (Hydrobates spp.)" in Journal of Avian Biology 2020“Impacts Of The Covid‐19 Pandemic On Field Instruction And Remote Teaching Alternatives: Results From A Survey Of Instructors” in Ecology & Evolution 2021"Growth and flowering responses of eelgrass to simulated grazing and fecal addition by Brant Geese" in Ecosphere 2021"Insectivorous bat occupancy is mediated by drought and agricultural land use in a highly modified ecoregion" in Diversity and Distributions 2021"Steven G. Herman: 1936–2020" in Journal of Raptor Research 2022"Drought and coyotes mediate mesopredator response to human disturbance" in Ecosphere 2022"Noninvasive genetic sampling with a spatial capture-recapture analysis to estimate abundance of Roosevelt elk" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2024"It's about time: A multistate semicontinuous time mark–recapture model to evaluate seasonal survival and movement rates of juvenile Coho Salmon in a small coastal watershed" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society