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Displaying 101 - 125 of 1658
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Barton, Daniel C. 2021

"Insectivorous bat occupancy is mediated by drought and agricultural land use in a highly modified ecoregion" in Diversity and Distributions

Barton, Daniel C. 2021

"Steven G. Herman: 1936–2020" in Journal of Raptor Research

Basist, Levi 2021

"Wingate muscular power test reference values for active healthy adults ages 19-29: normative data and differences between sex" in Theses and Projects

Basist, Levi 2021

"Wingate Muscular Power Test Reference Values for Active Healthy Adults Ages 19-35: Normative Data and Differences Between Sex" in ideaFest Journal

Baston, David S. 2021

"Phytophthora Ramorum Foliar Infection Reduces Leaf-Level Productivity in Tanoak and California Bay: A Pilot Study from Redwood National Park" in Madroño

Baughman, Jaclyn 2021

"Spatially variable syn- and post-Alleghanian exhumation of the central Appalachian Mountains from zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology" in Geosphere

Baughman, Jaclyn 2021

"Pilot Desktop and Immersive Virtual Reality Field Trip Study of Coastal Maine Indicates Equivalent Student Learning Outcomes and High Engagement" in AGU Fall Meeting

Baughman, Jaclyn 2021

"Burial and exhumation of the New England Avalon terrane coincident with Alleghanian orogenesis and continental breakup documented with zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry " in AGU Fall Meeting

Baur, Rebekah D. 2021

"Humboldt in Time of COVID: Economic Disparities Interview with Michael Kraft - Papa and Barkley" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Baur, Rebekah D. 2021

"Humboldt in Time of Covid: Economic Disparities Interview with Chamber of Commerce and HPRC" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Bean, William Tim 2021

"Foothill yellow-legged frog breeding biology in a semi-regulated river, Humboldt County, CA" in California Fish and Wildlife Special CESA Issue

Bean, William Tim 2021

"Combining Occurrence and Habitat Suitability Data Improve Conservation Guidance for the Giant Kangaroo Rat" in Wildlife Management

Bean, William Tim 2021

"Data Repository for "North American Porcupine Distribution in the Pacific Northwest and Evaluation of a Non-Invasive Monitoring Technique" in Research Data Sets

Bean, William Tim 2021

"A Novel Automated Method for Point-Based Change Detection Increases Estimation Accuracy of Breeding Pairs in Waterbird Colonies" in Waterbirds

Bean, William Tim 2021

"North American Porcupine Distribution in the Pacific Northwest and Evaluation of a Non-Invasive Monitoring Technique" in Northwestern Naturalist

Bean, William Tim 2021

"Mixed Evidence for Niche Conservatism in Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia Rufa) Lineages" in Northwestern Naturalist

Beck, Owen N. 2021

"Correction to: ‘Cyclically producing the same average muscle-tendon force with a smaller duty increases metabolic rate’" in Proceedings of the Royal Sciences B: Biological Sciences

Beck, Owen N. 2021

"Commentaries on Viewpoint: Fragile bones of elite cyclists: to treat or not to treat?" in Journal of Applied Physiology

Beck, Owen N. 2022

"Shorter muscle fascicle operating lengths increase the metabolic cost of cyclic force production" in Journal of Applied Physiology

Becker, Stacy 2021

"Redwood Roots Magazine" in ideaFest Poster

Becker, Stacy 2021

"True North: Charting A New Tomorrow" in Redwood Roots

Becker, Stacy 2021

"Connecting Educational Dots with HSU Connect•Ed" in Redwood Roots

Beckmann, Jill J. 2021

"Douglas-fir encroachment reduces drought resistance in Oregon white oak of northern California" in Forest Ecology and Management

Beesley, Andrew 2021

"Differential Reinforcement as a Means of Decreasing Inappropriate Behaviors in Elementary Children in the Distant Learning Environment" in ideaFest Poster

Begay, Kayla Carpenter 2021

"Teaching Wailaki: Archives, interpretation, and collaboration" in Translating Across Time and Space