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Displaying 951 - 975 of 1762
Author Year Publications
Marchand, Geneviève 2019

"Participation in the Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge, Place Attachment, and Well-Being" in Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership

Marchand, Geneviève 2019

"Implementation of Project CHASE (Children with Autism Supported to Exercise): A Facebook-Delivered, Parent-Mediated Physical Activity Intervention" in PALAESTRA

Marchand, Geneviève 2019

"Outdoor Industry Credential: Exploring Perspectives Within the Profession" in Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership

Marchand, Geneviève 2020

The Feasibility Of Project Chase: A Facebook-Delivered, Parent-Mediated Physical Activity Intervention For Children With Autism” in International Journal of Disability, Development & Education

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"Mangroves in the Galapagos: Ecosystem services and their valuation" in Ecological Economics

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"Heavy metals contamination in the Gulf of Guayaquil: Even limited data reflect environmental impacts from anthropogenic activity" in Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"Mangroves in Galapagos: Estimating their contribution to human livelihoods and wellbeing" in Galapagos Report

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"How to achieve sustainable finfish fisheries in Galapagos" in Galapagos Report

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"A description of Ucides occidentalis Ortmann, 1897 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Ocypodidae) zoea I." in Journal of Natural History

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2020

"Artisanal longline fishing in the Galapagos Islands – effects on vulnerable megafauna in a UNESCO World Heritage site" in Ocean and Coastal Management

Marks, Sharyn B. 2021

"SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States" in Ecology

Marquez, Alyssa 2019

"Response of Headwater Amphibians to Long-Term Logging Impacts and Assessing Potential for Restoration in Redwood National and State Parks" in Theses and Projects

Mars, Skye 2019

"The Downfall." Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Marschke, Benjamin 2019

Reformation Und Militar: Wege Und Irrwege in Funf Jahrhunderten

Marschke, Benjamin 2019

"Review of Wiener Bier-Geschichte" in Austrian History Yearbook

Marschke, Benjamin 2019

"Militärseelsorge in Preußen: Sozialdisziplinierung durch Pietisten” in Reformation und Militär. Wege und Irrwege in fünf Jahrhunderten

Marschke, Benjamin 2019

"Review of German Pietism and the Problem of Conversion" in German Studies Review

Marshall, Marc 2019

"Demonstrating a Secure, Reliable, Low-Carbon Community Microgrid at the Blue Lake Rancheria" in California Energy Commission Final Project Report

Marshall, N. 2019

"Identification, explanation and quantification of the hydrologically important components of an Andean Watershed" in AGU Fall Meeting

Martel, Chad 2019

"Using Environmental DNA and Occupancy Modeling to Estimate Rangewide Metapopulation Dynamics of the Endangered Tidewater Goby Eucyclogobius spp" in Theses and Projects

Martien, Jerry 2019

The price of a life : shell, gold, carbon notes & weed : four kinds of money in the Humboldt Bay/Six Rivers Region

Martin, Heaven 2019

"Universal Harmony" in The World "The way we saw it"

Martinez, Joshua 2019

"Characterizing Accumulated Oxidation Pond Biosolids at the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility" in Theses and Projects

Martinez, Julia 2019

"Cannabis Cultivation: Humboldt County's Cultivation Regulation on Cannabis and the Effects on the Yurok Tribe" in ideaFest Poster

Martinez, Michael 2019

"Driving Neuronal Differentiation through Reversal of an ERK1/2-miR-124-SOX9 Axis Abrogates Glioblastoma Aggressiveness" in Cell Reports