Nichols, Casey |
2019 |
"Mycorestoration and TEK Implemented into Ecological Restoration Practices" in ideaFest Posters
Bergemann, Sarah E. |
2019 |
"Three new species of Gyroporus (Boletales, Basidiomycota) from Australia" in Muelleria |
Silver, Samantha |
2019 |
"Pornstars, Content Creators, and Sex Educators: A Discourse Analysis of Gender, Sexuality & Resistance in the West-Coast Pornography Industry" in Theses and Projects |
Wu, Zhelin |
2019 |
"The relationship between personality characteristics and creativity on judgements of facial attractiveness" in ideaFest Poster |
Dedini, Cario |
2019 |
"Egyptian Inventions," Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Peterson, Gary W. |
2019 |
"Mindfulness and Decision‐Making Style: Predicting Career Thoughts and Vocational Identity" in The Career Development Quarterly |
Ulmer, Gordon L. |
2019 |
"Climate change, uncertainty and allostatic load" in Annals of Human Biology |
McNamara, Bret Anthony |
2019 |
"Post-fire fuel succession in a rare California, USA, closed-cone conifer" in Fire Ecology |
Dengler, Lori A. |
2019 |
"PG&E blackout version 2.0, plenty to improve on" in Times-Standard |
Habis, Maya |
2019 |
"FAKE FEMINISM: A Rhetorical Critique of Visa's 'Money Is Changing' Campaign" in ideaFest Poster |
Gustus, Kimberly |
2019 |
"Genetic inactivation of hypoxia inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) in adult hippocampal progenitors impairs neurogenesis and pattern discrimination learning" in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
Adsit, Janelle |
2019 |
Writing Intersectionality Identities: Keywords for Creative Writers |
Wunderlich, Wyeth |
2019 |
"Quantifying water storage capacity in, and dry season water yield from Bofedales, Andean Wetlands" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2019 |
"Within-crown plasticity in leaf traits among the tallest conifers" in American Journal of Botany |
Chen, Junyan |
2019 |
“Isolation and characterization of a Rickettsia from the ovary of a Western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus" in Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2019 |
"Acoustic monitoring reveals a diverse forest owl community, illustrating its potential for basic and applied ecology" in Ecology |
Lopez, Marí |
2019 |
"N'de" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2019 |
"Geospatial and techno-economic analysis of wind and solar resources in India" in Renewable Energy |
Caffe, Beatrice |
2019 |
"The Impact of Stress on the Undergraduate Oral Microbiome" in ideaFest Poster |
Kontos, Anthony P. |
2019 |
"Acute Sport Concussion Assessment Optimization: A Prospective Assessment from the CARE Consortium" in Sports Medicine |
Sugata, Michihiro |
2019 |
"Cartographies of Debt: Auto Title Loans and Spatial Inequality" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Motter, Erica |
2019 |
"The Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Mood and Affect: a Meta-Analysis" in Theses and projects |
Gabriel, Mourad Wisam |
2019 |
"Prevalence, distribution, and diversity of cryptic piroplasm infections in raccoon from selected areas of the United States and Canada" in International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife |
Schulman, Francine |
2019 |
"Broken Spirits Rising: A Grief Support Group for those Who Have Lost a Loved One to Murder" in ideaFest Poster |
Alqarni, Dafer |
2019 |
"Report on Saudi International Students at HSU" in University Reports |