Van Kirk, Robert W. |
2019 |
"Management and Limnology Interact to Drive Water Temperature Patterns in a Middle Rockies River-Reservoir System" in JAWRA |
Russel, Elizabeth |
2019 |
"Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs): Consequential Effects on the Biotic Community" in ideaFest Poster |
McNamara, Bret Anthony |
2019 |
"Post-fire fuel succession in a rare California, USA, closed-cone conifer" in Fire Ecology |
Gellman, Gavin |
2019 |
"Why I Like Basketball So Much" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Kelsey, Damian |
2019 |
"25 years of friendship and counting..." in The World "The way we saw it" |
Gutierrez, R. J. |
2019 |
"The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment |
Smith, James P. |
2019 |
"California Floras, Manuals, and Checklists: A Bibliography" in Botanical Studies OER |
Wunderlich, Wyeth |
2019 |
"Quantifying water storage capacity in, and dry season water yield from Bofedales, Andean Wetlands" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Blubaugh, Josie |
2019 |
"Thanksgiving shadows" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Malloy, Kerri J. |
2019 |
"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice |
Thornfeldt, Summer |
2019 |
"Reserve, symptoms, sex, and outcome following a single sports-related concussion" in Theses and Projects |
Hernandez, Nicholas |
2019 |
"Progress on Short-range Tests of Gravity at Humboldt State University" in APS April Meeting |
Jules, Erik S. |
2019 |
"Range-wide population structure and dynamics of a serotinous conifer, knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata L.), under an anthropogenically-altered disturbance regime" in Forest Ecology and Management
Morgan, Kyle |
2019 |
The World "The way we saw it" Spring 2019 |
Kreye, Jesse K. |
2019 |
"Pyrogenic flowering of Aristida beyrichiana following 50 years of fire exclusion" in Ecosphere |
Radzin, Bryan |
2019 |
Search For Truth: A new day… |
Jacobson, Arne E. |
2019 |
"The Dirty Footprint of the Broken Grid: The Impacts of Fossil Fuel Back-up Generators in Developing Countries" in IFC Report |
Fingerman, Kevin R. |
2019 |
"Moving Beyond Incineration Putting residues from California forest management and restoration to good use" in Sierra Club of California |
Richmond, Rollin C. |
2019 |
"Science for You: Science, dog ownership, and you" in Times-Standard |
Gabrielson, Stephen Walter |
2019 |
"Management of Hyperkalemia With Insulin and Glucose: Pearls for the Emergency Clinician" in Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Bergemann, Sarah E. |
2019 |
"Three new species of Gyroporus (Boletales, Basidiomycota) from Australia" in Muelleria |
Rodriguez, Jasmine |
2019 |
"Diversity and Abundance of Soil Microbes Differ Along a Forest-Pasture Transect" in ideaFest Journal |
Watanabe-Schock, Kumi |
2019 |
"Library Diversity & Social Justice Working Group" in Check Out the Library |
Friedman, Mira |
2019 |
"Clinical Peer Education Model Assessment" in ideaFest Poster |
Kontos, Anthony P. |
2019 |
"Preliminary Study of Fear of Re-Injury following Sport-Related Concussion in High School Athletes" in Developmental Neuropsychology |