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Displaying 201 - 225 of 1766
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Colwell, Mark A. 2019

"Winter abundance of shorebirds on Humboldt Bay, California, USA" in Wader Study

Simpson, Kara 2019

"Overlooked fisheries of Baduwa’t: An oral history study exploring the environmental and cultural histories of eulachon and Pacific lamprey in the Mad River basin, a Wiyot watershed" in Theses and Projects

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2019

"Phylogenetic and morphological analyses of species of the Entolomataceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) with cuboid basidiospores" in Phytotaxa

Torres, Erisan 2019

"Let there be Light" in The World "The way we saw it"

Nyle, Queen J. 2019

"Save the Bison" in ideaFest Poster

Sonntag, Selma K. 2019

The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya

Richmond, Rollin C. 2019

"Science for You: Reminding ourselves what science is about" in Times-Standard

Dengler, Lori A. 2019

"Preparedness takes a village and some great assistants" in Times-Standard

Tanyi, Conrad 2019

"Recommendations for Wildfire Recovery Planning for the City of Arcata" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Hernandez, Marcos 2019

"True Injustice: Cultures of Violence and Stories of Resistance in the New True Crime" in ideaFest Journal

Kontos, Anthony P. 2019

"Repetitive Head Impact Exposure in College Football Following an NCAA Rule Change to Eliminate Two-A-Day Preseason Practices: A Study from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium" in Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Syfers, Lily 2019

"Predicting Support for Atypical Leaders Under Conditions of Uncertainty" in ideaFest Poster

Takesue, Renee K. 2019

"Contaminant baselines and sediment provenance along the Puget Sound Energy Transport Corridor, 2015" in USGS Open-File Report

Sprowles, Amy E 2019
"Adventures on Bridges" in Humboldt State Stem Cell Research
Woody, Sonya 2019

"Humboldt Tenant Landlord Collaboration (HTLC): An Educated Landlord and Renter Program" in ideaFest Poster

Holmes, Alison R. 2019

"Pedagogy or pedagogues in the first year critical thinking classroom: helping students connect the global to the local by creating a sense of community, place and purpose" in University Reports

Brown, Caleb 2019

"The Minstrel" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Quinn-Davidson, Lenya N. 2019

"Perceptions of cannabis among Humboldt County timberland and ranchland owners" in California Agriculture

Ben-Zvi, Sarah 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Luckens, Ethan 2019

"Modeling the Flow of Hall Creek, Humboldt County, California Using Visualizing Ecosystem Land Management Assessments (VELMA) and Calculating the Channel Forming Flow Using the Effective Discharge Calculation" in Theses and Projects

Oshun, Jasper 2019

"A Geophysical Investigation to Image the Critical Zone Architecture in a High Andean Puna Grassland" in AGU Fall Meeting

Adsit, Janelle 2019

Toward an Inclusive Creative Writing: Threshold Concepts to Guide the Literary Writing Curriculum

Servais, Benjamin 2019

"Application of the Predicted Repetitions-To-Failure Perceived Exertion Scale for the NFL-225 Bench Press Test" in ideaFest Poster

Higley, J. Mark 2019

"Ecosystem services and disservices of bear foraging on managed timberlands" in Ecosphere

Yajima, Akane 2019

"This is Paris" in The World "The way we saw it"