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Displaying 126 - 150 of 1756
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Varner, J. Morgan 2019

"Modelling post-fire tree mortality: Can random forest improve discrimination of imbalanced data?" in Ecological Modelling

Silver, Samantha 2019

"Pornstars, Content Creators, and Sex Educators: A Discourse Analysis of Gender, Sexuality & Resistance in the West-Coast Pornography Industry"  in Theses and Projects

Jensen, Jamie L. 2019

"Digital Decolonization: Centering the Voices of Indigenous Students in a Distributed Learning Program" in Dissertations

Pachmayer, Ara 2019

"Cannabis Tourism: Resident Attitudes in Humboldt County, CA" in Greater Western Travel and Tourism Research Association conference

Mathers, Amy J. 2019

"Managing All the Genotypic Knowledge: Approach to a Septic Patient Colonized by Different Enterobacteriales with Unique Carbapenemases" in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Dengler, Lori A. 2019

"What you need to know in tsunami country" in Times-Standard

Ricker, Seth 2019

"Comparing abundance-based and tag-based estimates of coho salmon marine survival" in Fisheries Management and Ecology

Begorre, Jacob 2019

"The Surface Distribution of Trace Metals Along a Pacific Meridional Transect: GEOTRACES GP-15 Research Cruise" in ideaFest Posters

Hansell, Dennis A. 2019

"Net Additions of Recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Deep Atlantic Ocean" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Som, Nicholas A 2019

"Changes in adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) survival within the lower Columbia River amid increasing pinniped abundance" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Wojcik, Chelsey 2019

"The Nonverbal Communication of a Serial Killer" in ideaFest Poster

Emerson, Christine 2019

"A Geospatial Recipe for Identifying Social Values and Fragmentation Issues of the Friends of the Dunes Land Trust" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Iturbide, Maria 2019

""They Learn to Convivir ": Immigrant Latinx Parents' Perspectives on Cultural Socialization in Organized Youth Activities" in Journal of Adolescent Research

Love, Sasha 2019

"The Sea Will Come" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Haro, Celia 2019

"Cultivating Chingona power: a Study on the Chingona Identity" in Theses and Projects

Caffe, Beatrice 2019

"The Impact of Stress on the Undergraduate Oral Microbiome" in ideaFest Poster

Chen, Junyan 2019

Isolation and characterization of a Rickettsia from the ovary of a Western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus" in Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases

Oberlander, Cyril 2019

"Study Spaces" in Check Out the Library

Morris-Slattery, Zyne 2019

"Colonial Tavern" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Gara, Tawanda W. 2019

"Analysis of Sentinel-2 and RapidEye for Retrieval of Leaf Area Index in a Saltmarsh Using a Radiative Transfer Model" in Remote Sensing

Uehling, Jessie K. 2019

"Increasing access to microfluidics for studying fungi and other branched biological structures" in Fungal Biology and Biotechnology

Schulman, Francine 2019

"Broken Spirits Rising: A Grief Support Group for those Who Have Lost a Loved One to Murder" in ideaFest Poster

Peery, M. Zachariah 2019

"Acoustic monitoring reveals a diverse forest owl community, illustrating its potential for basic and applied ecology" in Ecology

Aberson, Christopher L. 2019

"Friendships with Blacks Relate to Lessened Implicit Preferences for Whites Over Blacks" in Collabra: Psychology

Patton, Jason R. 2019

"Near-Field Ground Motions from the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes: Subdued Shaking due to Pervasive Non-Linear Site Response?" in AGU Fall Meeting