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Displaying 1551 - 1575 of 1762
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Lamphere, Kassandra 2019

"The Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation and the Border Wall" in ideaFest Poster

Bender, Megan 2019

"Naked and Unafraid" in Osprey

Richmond, Laurie 2019

"Fishing community sustainability planning on the California north coast" in Presentations

Hurtado, Gizelle 2019

"Genetic structure of an abundant small mammal is influenced by low intensity urbanization" in Conservation Genetics

Childs, Greg 2019

"Rhetorical Genre Theory and Whiteness" in ideaFest Journal

McGath, Nena 2019

"Developmental disruptions and substance use in an emerging adult sample" in Theses and Projects

Jackson, Randall David 2019

"Environmental factors function as constraints on soil nitrous oxide fluxes in bioenergy feedstock cropping systems" in GCB Bioenergy

Diémé, Joseph 2019

"Tradition in Modernity" in The World "The way we saw it"

Sandin, Sitaram 2019

"Billing Mental Health Medi-Cal for Indigenous Cultural Practices" in ideaFest Poster

Hahn, Amanda C. 2019

"Does the interaction between partnership status and average progesterone level predict women's preferences for facial masculinity?" in Hormones and Behavior

Smith, James P. 2019

"A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Trinity Alps" in Botanical Studies OER

Marshall, N. 2019

"Identification, explanation and quantification of the hydrologically important components of an Andean Watershed" in AGU Fall Meeting

Georgeson, Wyatt 2019

"On the Wind" in Toyon

Tuttle, Sharon S. 2019

"Less is more: assessment and student learning in computer science education" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Byrd, Renee 2019

"Writing Intersectionality Identities: Keywords for Creative Writers" in Bloomsbury Academic

Wall, Adam 2019

"Painting the Medium: Digital Standardization of Archaeological Data" in ideaFest Posters

Ellion, Kelley 2019

"Bill Jones, Wikipedia Additions" in Library Student Projects

Wall, Adam 2019

"Ball Court Map" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Chapman, Greg S. 2019

"Demonstrating a Secure, Reliable, Low-Carbon Community Microgrid at the Blue Lake Rancheria" in California Energy Commission Final Project Report

Zoellner, Robert W. 2019

"Chlorates and perchlorates as potential high-energy materials: chlorate- and perchlorate-substituted methanes" in Heliyon

Fontaine, Amy Clare 2019

Through Time and Space

Abuan Ines, Rosebelle 2019

"Azalea State Reserve Vegetation Management Plan" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Cashman, Susan M. 2019

"Structural Analysis and Thermochronological Constraints on Tertiary Extensional Faulting in the Klamath Mountain Province" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vargas-Hernandez, Oscar M. 2019

"Nomenclatural priority of the genus Linochilus over Piofontia (Asteraceae: Astereae)" in Phytotaxa

Kizha, Anil Raj 2019

"Impacts of silvicultural prescriptions and implementation of best management practices on timber harvesting costs" in International Journal of Forest Engineering