Milbrandt, Eric C. |
2019 |
"Determining the Sources of Macroalgae During Beach Stranding Events from Species Composition, Stable Isotope Analysis, and Laboratory Experiments" in Estuaries and Coasts |
Ortega, Justus D. |
2019 |
"King-Devick Test Reliability in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes: A National Collegiate Athletic Association–Department of Defense Concussion Assessment, Research and Education Report" in Journal of Athletic Training |
Kelly, Erin Clover |
2019 |
"Polycentric systems for wildfire governance in the Western United States" in Land Use Policy
Juarez, Maury |
2019 |
"Pause au Travail" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2019 |
"Growing season moisture drives interannual variation in woody productivity of a temperate deciduous forest" in New Phytologist |
Hansell, Dennis A. |
2019 |
"Seasonality of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Upper Northeast Pacific Ocean" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles |
Wolfe, Jared D. |
2019 |
"A novel approach to understanding bird communities using informed diversity estimates at local and regional scales in northern California and southern Oregon" in Ecology and Evolution |
McClellan, Zachary |
2019 |
"The Ten Tribes Partnership and the Colorado River Basin" in ideaFest Poster |
Reilly, Matthew J. |
2019 |
"Range-wide population structure and dynamics of a serotinous conifer, knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata L.), under an anthropogenically-altered disturbance regime" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Richmond, Rollin C. |
2019 |
"Science for You: Does free will exist? The answer may surprise you" in Times-Standard |
Monte, Maddy |
2019 |
"Cacts in Hats" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Bueno Watts, Nievita |
2019 |
"Geoscience Alliance: Report on a Decade of Success of a Native American Mentoring Organization" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Henderson, Mark J. |
2019 |
"Linking predation mortality to predator density and survival for out-migrating Chinook Salmon and Steelhead in the lower San Joaquin River and South Delta" in California Department of Fish and Wildlife Report |
Bolanos, Jocelyn |
2019 |
"Time Exists Because I Exist" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Kontos, Anthony P. |
2019 |
"Repetitive Head Impact Exposure in College Football Following an NCAA Rule Change to Eliminate Two-A-Day Preseason Practices: A Study from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium" in Annals of Biomedical Engineering |
Weber, Kassandra A. |
2019 |
"Progress on Short-range Tests of Gravity at Humboldt State University" in APS April Meeting |
Garcia, Laura |
2019 |
"The Misrepresentation of Inclusivity in Humboldt County, CA" in ideaFest Poster |
Solomon, Jessica |
2019 |
"The iron limitation mosaic in the California Current System: Factors governing Fe availability in the shelf/nearshelf region" in Limnology and Oceanography
Thomas, Cody |
2019 |
"Macabre Upbringings: A Look into Identity in Mort by Terry Pratchett and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman" in Toyon
Dengler, Lori A. |
2019 |
"Celebrating 50 years of lunar geology" in Times-Standard |
Chin, Alana R.O. |
2019 |
"Within-crown plasticity in leaf traits among the tallest conifers" in American Journal of Botany |
Sinnott, Aaron M. |
2019 |
"Persistent vestibular-ocular impairment following concussion in adolescents" in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport |
Stelter, Kimberly |
2019 |
"Learning by Making" in Check Out the Library |
Peloso, Pedro |
2019 |
"Skull Morphology of the Lizard Ptychoglossus vallensis (Squamata: Alopoglossidae) With Comments on the Variation Within Gymnophthalmoidea" in The Anatomical Record |
Sanchez, Jessica N. |
2019 |
"Impacts of heterogeneous host densities and contact rates on pathogen transmission in the Channel Island fox (Urocyon littoralis)" in Biological Conservation |