Hahn, Amanda C. |
2018 |
"No evidence that facial width-to-height ratio (IWHR) is associated with women's sexual desire" in PLOS One
Panta, Humnath |
2018 |
"An Inquiry into the Effect of the Interest Rate, Gold Price, and the Exchange Rate on Stock Exchange Index: Evidence from Nepal" in Dynamic Econometric Models |
Jaurique, Alexandria |
2018 |
"Cultural Values Moderate the Impact of Relative Deprivation" in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology |
Campbell-Spickler, Jim |
2018 |
"Dendrochronological analysis of Sequoia sempervirens in an interior old-growth forest" in Dendrochronologia |
Mitchell, Dora |
2018 |
The Haunted Serpent |
Arvizu, Jennifer |
2018 |
"Environmental Impacts of the Homeless Population in Humboldt County" in ideaFest Poster |
Sheridan, Mark A. |
2018 |
"The growth hormone signaling system: Insights into coordinating the anabolic and catabolic actions of growth hormone" in General and Comparative Endocrinology |
Van Pelt, Robert |
2018 |
"Tree-Ring Indicators of Fire in Two Old-Growth Coast Redwood Forests" in Fire Ecology |
Cappuccio, Frank |
2018 |
"Kombucha: A Chemical Investigation" in ideaFest Poster |
Dengler, Lori A. |
2018 |
"The elephant in the room isn't quakes, but fear of them" in Times-Standard |
Shea, Brian G. |
2018 |
"Dynamic balance of experienced and novice rock climbers" in Theses and Projects |
Cashman, Eileen |
2018 |
"Equality vs. Equity: Using Assets and Cultivating Students" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings |
DiMario, Angelo A. |
2018 |
"Characterizing Forest Floor Fuels Surrounding Large Sugar Pine (Pinus lambertiana) in the Klamath Mountains, California" in Northwest Science |
Cubaynes, Hannah C. |
2018 |
"Whales spotted from space" in Science |
Haas, Sean |
2018 |
"Searching for Connection Between Radio Emission & UV/optical absorption in Quasars" in ideaFest Journal
Appel, Cara L. |
2018 |
"Seasonal resource acquisition strategies of a facultative specialist herbivore at the edge of its range" in Journal of Mammalogy |
Kelsey, Harvey M. |
2018 |
"New fossil foraminiferal estimates of coseismic vertical deformation during the AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake: Washington and northern California, USA" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Donaldson, Amanda |
2018 |
"Measuring a Nations Fragility in Relation to Climate Change" in ideaFest Poster |
Lankarani, Caroline |
2018 |
"Attraction Touristique" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2018 |
"American woodcock singing-ground survey sampling of forest type and age" in The Journal of Wildlife Management |
Weber, Kassandra A. |
2018 |
"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in ideaFest Poster |
O'Dowd, Alison P. |
2018 |
"Primary and secondary production in dammed and undammed reaches of the Eel River" in Salmonid Restoration Federation annual meeting |
Colwell, Mark A. |
2018 |
"Evaluating the Efficacy of Carbachol at Reducing Corvid Predation on Artificial Nests" in Wildlife Society Bulletin |
Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. |
2018 |
"Amount and location of damage to residual trees from cut-to-length thinning operations in a young redwood forest in northern California” in Forests |
Wagoner, Joseph |
2018 |
"Intergroup Compensations for Attributes of Warmth and Competence" in ideaFest Poster |