Floss, James |
2018 |
"Immigrant Voices: Antonio" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Immigrant Voices: Vertas" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Immigrant Voices: Marisol" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Immigrant Voices: Juan" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Immigrant Voices: Brenda" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Immigrant Voices: Eleazar" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Immigrant Voices: Guadalupe" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Voces Inmigrantes: Alejandro" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Voces Inmigrantes: Elena" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Voces Inmigrantes: Mary" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Voces Inmigrantes: Pedro" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Voces Inmigrantes: Vertas" in Audio Recordings |
Floss, James |
2018 |
"Voces Inmigrantes: Maria" in Audio Recordings |
Risling Baldy, Cutcha |
2018 |
"CA Indian Conference KeyNote -Dr. Cutcha Risling Spalding" in Video Recording |
Gabriel, Mourad Wisam |
2018 |
"Ecological Impacts across the Landscape: Trespass Marijuana Cultivation on Western Public Lands" in Where There’s Smoke: The Environmental Science, Public Policy, and Politics of Marijuana |
Gabriel, Mourad Wisam |
2018 |
"Effects of Illegal Marijuana Cultivation on Wildlife: Pesticide Exposure in a Native Carnivore and Consequences for the Species’ Survival" in Where There’s Smoke: The Environmental Science, Public Policy, and Politics of Marijuana |
Gabriel, Mourad Wisam |
2018 |
"Marijuana Green Rush is Anything but Green: Report from the Hoopa Tribal Lands" in Where There’s Smoke: The Environmental Science, Public Policy, and Politics of Marijuana |
Davis, Edward A. |
2018 |
"Refuting S 825AB System Classification through Astrometry and Gaia Satellite Data" in Journal of Double Star Observations |
Hosbach, Robert Allen |
2018 |
"Emerging Solutions to the Standby Power Problem" in Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings |
Padgett, Jason Scott |
2018 |
"New fossil foraminiferal estimates of coseismic vertical deformation during the AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake: Washington and northern California, USA" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2018 |
"Climate Change and Future Wildfire in the Western United States: An Ecological Approach to Nonstationarity" in Earth's Future |
Doty, Kathleen L. |
2018 |
"Pleading for Life: Narrative patterns within legal petitions" in Legal Pragmatics |
Gabriel, Mourad Wisam |
2018 |
"Grass is Not Always Greener: Rodenticide Exposure of a Threatened Species near Marijuana Growing Operations" in BMC Research Notes |
Henderson, Mark J. |
2018 |
"Estimating spatial–temporal differences in Chinook salmon outmigration survival with habitat- and predation-related covariates" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Som, Nicholas A |
2019 |
"Changes in adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) survival within the lower Columbia River amid increasing pinniped abundance" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |