Cubaynes, Hannah C. |
2018 |
"Whales from space: Four mysticete species described using new VHR satellite imagery" in Marine Mammal Science |
Cubaynes, Hannah C. |
2018 |
"Whales spotted from space" in Science |
Cubaynes, Hannah C. |
2018 |
"Thar she blows! Whales seen exhaling from space" in Nature |
Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina |
2018 |
"Predator identity more than predator richness structures aquatic microbial assemblages in Sarracenia purpurea leaves" in Ecology |
Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina |
2018 |
"Multiple colonist pools shape fiddler crab-associated microbial communities" in The ISME Journal |
Cuevas, Fabian |
2018 |
"What does China’s Economic Influence in Latin America and Africa Mean for its Rise in Global Power?" in ideaFest Poster |
Cuevas, Rosa |
2018 |
"Oh my God. I am the highest I have ever been: User Experiences with Cannabis Edibles" in ideaFest Posters |
Cuevas, Rosibeth |
2018 |
"The City of Angeles" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Cuevas, Rosibeth |
2018 |
"Student Snapshots" in Library Student Projects |
Cuevas-Uribe, Rafael |
2018 |
"Monitoring the Gonadal Maturation of Steelhead and Cutthroat Trout using Ultrasonic Imaging" in ideaFest Poster |
Cummins, Kenneth W. |
2018 |
"Functional Analysis of Stream Macroinvertebrates" in Limnology |
Cummins, Kenneth W. |
2018 |
"Rivers and Streams: Physical Setting and Adapted Biota" in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences |
Curatolo, Cassandra |
2018 |
"Historical Consciousness, The Cultural Imaginary and Postcolonial Subjectivity in Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being" in Theses and Projects |
Curiel, Andrea |
2018 |
"Picture Perfect" in Osprey |
Cziglenyi, Raven |
2018 |
"Castle in the Sky" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Dagley, Christa M. |
2018 |
"Restoration thinning enhances growth and diversity in mixed redwood/Douglas-fir stands in northern California, U.S.A." in Restoration Ecology |
Dagley, Christa M. |
2018 |
"Understory light predicts stump sprout growth in mixed multiaged stands in north coastal California" in New Forests |
Dahlman, Kyle |
2018 |
"Benthic Microplastics Distribution in Humboldt Bay, Northern California: A Comparative Study of Surface Sediments Based on Proximity from the Shore" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Daly, Curran C. |
2018 |
"Making it through: the lives of two bus crash survivors" in Osprey |
Davey, Caledonia R. |
2018 |
"Through the Eyes of Our Future" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Davidson, Ana D. |
2018 |
"Reintroducing a keystone burrowing rodent to restore an arid North American grassland: challenges and successes" in Restoration Ecology |
Davies, Joseph |
2018 |
"Spinel Comparison of Deer Mountain Quarry Cinder Cone, California, and the Trinity Ophiolite, California" in ideaFest Poster |
Davis, Edward A. |
2018 |
"Refuting S 825AB System Classification through Astrometry and Gaia Satellite Data" in Journal of Double Star Observations |
Dawson, Elizabeth J. |
2022 |
"Results of the 2018 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate fauna" in NOAA Technical Memorandum |
de la Cabada, Francisco |
2018 |
"Aqua!" in The World "The way we saw it" |