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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1355
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Srivastava, Swati 2017

"W(h)ither Constructivism" in International Studies Quarterly

Sprowles, Amy E 2017

"A place-based learning community: Klamath Connection at Humboldt State University" in Learning Communities Research & Practice

Sprowles, Amy E 2017

"Klamath Connection and Critical Histories/Activist Futures: The Role of Interdisciplinary Discourse in Addressing Racism and Inequity in STEM Education" in Somatosphere

Sprowles, Amy E 2017

"Connecting environmental engineers to the Klamath river via a placed based learning community" in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference

Spitz, Gil 2017

"The health, fitness, and anthropometric characteristics of firefighters on the North Coast of California" in Theses and Projects

Sowle, Jennifer 2017

The Rogan Treasures: An Action-Adventure-Fantasy with Mystery, Ghosts and Magic (The Animal Guild Book 8)

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

"Communication Climate, Comfort, and Cold Calling: An analysis of discussion-based courses at multiple universities" in To Improve the Academy

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

"Our Fear of Isms" in 11/9: The Fall of American Democracy

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

 "Confronting Microaggressions with Microresistance" in Simpson College

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

"Using Multimedia Case Stories of Examplary Teaching for Faculty Development" in To Improve the Academy

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

"Benefits of participating in service-learning, business-related classes: assessing the impact on the community partners" in Journal of Research in Business Education

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

"How to Respond to Hostile, Inappropriate Comments in Class" in Faculty Focus Premium

Southwick, Ed 2017

"Tectonic land level changes and their contribution to sea-level rise, Humboldt Bay region, Northern California" in Local Reports and Publications

Sonia, Savannah 2017

"A Trip up the Coast" in The World “The way we saw it”

Sommer, Michelle 2017

"Edward Ruscha Exhibit" in Cal Poly Humboldt Library Rare Book Collection

Som, Nicholas A 2017

"N-mix for fish: estimating riverine salmonid habitat selection via N-mixture models" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Som, Nicholas A 2017

"A laboratory-calibrated model of coho salmon growth with utility for ecological analyses" in Canadian Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Solomon, Jessica 2017

"A New Look at Factors Influencing Iron Limitation amongst Phytoplankton off of the California Upwelling Coastline" in ideaFest Poster

Soerensen, Rigmor 2017

"Time Out! HSU athletics department misses the budgetary endzone" in Osprey

Smith, Lauren 2017

"Seasonal comparison of environmental DNA and traditional sampling techniques for detecting coastal tailed frogs (ascaphus truei) in Northern California" in Theses and Projects

Smith, Laurel E. 2017

"High performance supercomputing on a budget" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Smith, Joshua S. 2017

"What it Means to Do Gender Differently: Understanding Identity, Perceptions and Accomplishments in a Gendered World" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Smith, Joshua S. 2017

"Introduction" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Smith, James P. 2017

"A Chronicle of Economic Botany" in Botanical Studies OER

Smith, James P. 2017

"Exploring for Plants: A Bibliography" in Botanical Studies OER