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Displaying 126 - 150 of 1357
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Takesue, Renee K. 2017

"Sources and dispersal of land-based runoff from small Hawaiian drainages to a coral reef: Insights from geochemical signatures" in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Takesue, Renee K. 2017

"Tracking riverborne sediment and contaminants in Commencement Bay, Washington, using geochemical signatures" in USGS Open-File Report

Takesue, Renee K. 2021

"Land-based sediment sources and transport to southwest Puerto Rico coral reefs after Hurricane Maria, May 2017 to June 2018" in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Takada, Miki 2017

"Economic effects of Pacific halibut closures on businesses on the North Coast and the age, growth, and reproductive status of Pacific halibut in northern California and central Oregon" in Theses and Projects

Tabares, Annette A. 2017

"Magnesepin, 1,4-dimagnesocin, 1,4,7-trimagnesonin, and their C6 H6 Mgn, n=1-3, isomers: A density functional computational investigation" in Heteroatom Chemistry

Szykman Gunther, Micaela 2017

Chapter 12 "Reassembly of the large predator guild into Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park" in Conserving Africa's Mega-Diversity in the Anthropocene: The Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park Story

Szykman Gunther, Micaela 2017

"The scent of your enemy is my friend? The acquisition of large carnivore scent by a smaller carnivore" in Journal of Ethology

Szewczak, Joseph M. 2017

"A before-after control-impact assessment to understand the potential impacts of highway construction noise and activity on an endangered songbird" in Ecology and Evolution

Szewczak, Joseph M. 2017

"Noteworthy Records for Six Species of Bats from 13 Texas Counties and the First Voucher Specimens from Sites with Pseudogymnoascus destructans" in Texas Tech University Occasional Papers

Succow, Michelle 2017

"Population characteristics and trophic interactions between Pacific mole crabs and Redtail surfperch on northern California sandy beaches" in Theses and Projects

Succow, Michelle 2017

"Baseline characterization of sandy beach ecosystems along the north coast of California" in Final Report

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2017

"Institutions and transaction costs in foreign-local hotel ventures: A grounded investigation in the developing Pacific"in Tourism Management

Stubblefield, Andrew P. 2017

"The Long-Term Effects of Large Wood Placement on Salmonid Habitat in East Fork Mill Creek, Redwood National and State Park, California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Stone, Torisha 2017

"Fat in the Academy" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Stokes, Stella 2017

"Stella's Top 5 Movies of 2017" in Osprey

Stock, Gregory M. 2017

"The coating layer of glacial polish" in Geology

Stibi, Jason 2017

"Motivation, imagination, and the future self in second language acquisition" in Theses and Projects

Stepp, Kimberly 2017

"Cultural change in rural schools through enrichment and intervention in a quality after-school program" in Theses and Projects

Stelter, Kimberly 2017

"Meet Kimberly Stelter, First Year Experience Librarian" in Check Out the Library

Steinberg, Steven J. 2017

"Acute Illness Among Surfers After Exposure to Seawater in Dry- and Wet-Weather Conditions" in American Journal of Epidemiology

Steele, John W. 2017

"Construction of Niemann Pick Disease Type C1 HEK293 Cell Model utilizing CRISPR Gene editing" in INRSEP Research Poster

Steele, John W. 2017

"CRISPR-Induced Overexpression of Huntingtin as a Cellular Model of Huntington's Disease" in INRSEP Research Poster

Staton, Jay M. 2017

"Baseline characterization of nearshore Rocky reef fishes found in northern California marine protected areas" in Theses and Projects

Staton, Jay M. 2017

"Baseling characterization of fish communities associated with nearshore rocky reefs in the northern California marine protected area study regions" in California Sea Grant College Program

Starr, Melissa 2017

"The Flying Mouse Editor" in Library Student Projects