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Displaying 1051 - 1075 of 1358
Author Year Publications
Ratner, Carl 2017

"Introduction: Recovering and Advancing Vygotsky’s Marxist Psychology" in Vygotsky and Marx: Toward a Marxist Psychology

Ratner, Carl 2017

Chapter 1 "Marxist Psychology, Vygotsky’s Cultural Psychology, and Psychoanalysis: The Double Helix of Science and Politics" in Vygotsky and Marx: Toward a Marxist Psychology

Ratto, Dominic 2017

"The effect of online education on pre-service teachers’ knowledge of peer tutoring" in Theses and Projects

Ray, Sarah Jaquette 2017

"Can a Green University Serve Underrepresented Students?: Reconciling Sustainability and Diversity at HSU" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Ray, Sarah Jaquette 2017

Critical Norths: Space, Nature, Theory

Ray, Sarah Jaquette 2017

Disability Studies & the Environmental Humanities: Toward an Eco-Crip Theory

Reddy, Kirsten 2017

"An examination of water consumption during and after severe drought in coastal stands of Douglas-fir in the Pacific northwest" in Theses and Projects

Reed, Kaitlin 2017

"Review of The Land Is Our History: Indigeneity, Law, and the Settler State" in American Indian Culture and Research Journal

Reilly, Matthew J. 2017

"Cumulative effects of wildfires on forest dynamics in the eastern Cascade Mountains, USA" in Ecological Applications

Reilly, Matthew J. 2017

"Contemporary patterns of fire extent and severity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA (1985–2010)" in Ecosphere

Reiss, John O. 2017

"Quantitative comparative analysis of the nasal chemosensory organs of anurans during larval development and metamorphosis highlights the relative importance of chemosensory subsystems in the group" in Journal of Morphology

Reiss, John O. 2017

"The ontogeny of the olfactory system in ceratophryid frogs (Anura, Ceratophryidae)" in Journal of Morphology

Reisz, Gabriella 2017

"Todd Hido & Architectural Photography" in Cal Poly Humboldt Library Rare Book Collection

Reitzel, Armeda C. 2017

"'O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!' The Power of Our Official and Unofficial National Anthems" in ideaFest Poster

Rennie, Kerry M. 2017

"Niche overlap of competing carnivores across climatic gradients and the conservation implications of climate change at geographic range margins" in Biological Conservation

Revuelta, Geneba 2017

"5:38 P.M.” in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Reynolds, William M. 1978

"Toward assessment of personal competence and incompetence in life situations" in Annual Review of Psychology

Reynosa, Guadalupe 2017

"Beautiful Home And Family" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Rich, Angela 2017

"A place-based learning community: Klamath Connection at Humboldt State University" in Learning Communities Research & Practice

Richards, Deva 2017

"EFL teaching and teacher training in Nicaragua: a master's international experience" in Theses and Projects

Richmond, Laurie 2017

"Exploring Public Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument" in Coastal Management

Richmond, Laurie 2017

Summary Report: Humboldt Bay Shellfish Mariculture Business Survey: Assessing economic conditions and impact

Richmond, Laurie 2017

Socioeconomics of North Coast Fisheries in the Context of Marine Protected Area Formation

Rieg, Kevin 2017

"Eureka's early modern theatres: the examination of local theatres between 1904-1906" in Charles R. Barnum History Awards

Riley, Chris 2017

The Sinking of the Angie Piper