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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1181
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Non-Breeding Female Cassin's Auklets Killed at a Lighthouse at Pine Island, British Columbia, 1976 and 1977" in Northwestern Naturalist

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Use of social attraction to restore Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Orizaba Rock, Santa Cruz Island, California" in Marine Ornithology

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Decline of the Pelagic Cormorant in Western Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, 1975–2014" in Northwestern Naturalist

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Range-wide conservation and science of the Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa" in Marine Ornithology

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Breeding of the Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma Leucorhoa at Santa Catalina Island, California" in Marine Ornithology

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Status and monitoring of Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Point Reyes National Seashore, 2012–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012-2016" in Western North American Naturalist

Carver, Gary A. 2016

"Unusually large tsunamis frequent a currently creeping part of the Aleutian megathrust" in Geophysical Research Letters

Case, Kellie 2016

"Extending support through generations: exploring the support needs of parents of LGBTQ+ youth" in Theses and Projects

Cashman, Eileen 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Cashman, Susan M. 2016

"Planning for a Subduction Zone Observatory" in EOS

Cate, Emily B. 2016

"Consumer movement among successional communities in relation to the rare, endemic plant Lassics lupine (Lupines constancei)" in Theses and Projects

Cawood-Smith, Alene M. 2016

"Embracing best practices while utilizing a multidimensional, data-driven approach in providing comprehensive school psychology services for at-risk students in high school and continuation school settings" in Theses and Projects

Chadwell, Chelsey 2016

"Wellness and sustainability handbook for traumatic brain injury (TBI): a holistic approach to best practices for TBI recovery" in Theses and Projects

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2016

"Biochar Testing Results Report" in U.S. Department of Energy Report

Chaney, Ronald C. 2016

Seafloor Process and Geotechnology

Chaney, Ronald C. 2016

"Marine Foundations" in Seafloor Processes and Geotechnology

Chaney, Ronald C. 2016

"Slope Stability" in Seafloor Processes and Geotechnology

Chang, Joice 2016

"Pray Away the Criminal? Crime, Religiosity, Gender and Sexuality Over the Life Course" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Chaudhary, Ali Razzak 2016

"Pakistani Immigrant Organisational Spaces in Toronto and New York City" in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Chaudhury, Sarita Ray 2016

"A Case for Infographics: Encouraging Students to Self-Learn Digital Marketing Skills" in Marketing Educator's Association Conference

Chin, Alana R.O. 2016

"Phenotypic plasticity of leaves enhances water-stress tolerance and promotes hydraulic conductivity in a tall conifer" in American Journal of Botany

Citti, Jessica 2016

"Write on the First Floor" in Check Out the Library

Clemens, Robert Scott 2016

"Phenology of southward migration of shorebirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and inferences about stop-over strategies" in Emu

Clemens, Robert Scott 2016

"Distribution, extent and protection of intertidal habitats in Australia" in Emu