Ebrahemi, Justin |
2016 |
"A case study of the development of groundwater management in rural California" in Theses and Projects |
Marino, Carly |
2016 |
"Delivering HSU History to the Silicon Valley" in Check Out the Library |
Martien, Jerry |
2016 |
"Design" in Forest Under Story |
Diller, Lowell V. |
2016 |
"Demographic response of northern spotted owls to barred owl removal" in Journal of Wildlife Management |
Miller-Robbie, Leslie |
2016 |
"Long-term piloting of osmotic MBR for potable reuse: Performance, life-cycle assessment, and lessons learned" in 89th Water Environment Federation Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference |
Le Doux-Bloom, Cynthia |
2016 |
"Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Activities Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Overseas Environmental Impact Statement-Chapter 3 Fishes" in Department of the Navy |
Sonntag, Selma K. |
2016 |
"Review of Standardizing Diversity: The Political Economy of Language Regimes" in Journal of Asian Studies |
Carson, Nina M. |
2016 |
"The effect of posture on running economy, kinematics, and muscle activation" in Theses and Projects |
Bates, Diane C. |
2016 |
"A study on the impact of multidisciplinary collaboration on computational thinking" in Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education |
Jules, Erik S. |
2016 |
"Seed predation has the potential to drive a rare plant to extinction" in Journal of Applied Ecology |
Courtain, Kevin |
2016 |
"Shoreline Protection Options for Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects |
Black, Jeffrey M. |
2016 |
"Observations of Aleutian Cackling Geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) breeding on Buldir Island, Alaska: forty-seven years after the rediscovery of a remnant population" in Wildfowl |
Bruner, Victoria |
2016 |
"Tech Track" in HSU unConference |
Hansell, Dennis A. |
2016 |
"A novel molecular approach for tracing terrigenous dissolved organic matter into the deep ocean" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles |
Nuhfer, Edward B. |
2016 |
"Random Number Simulations Reveal How Random Noise Affects the Measurements and Graphical Portrayals of Self-Assessed Competency" in Numeracy |
Lara-Cooper, Kishan |
2016 |
"'Our Culture is not a Costume': The Influences of Stereotypes on School-Age Children" in Wicazo Sa Review |
Clemens, Robert Scott |
2016 |
"Phenology of southward migration of shorebirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and inferences about stop-over strategies" in Emu |
Jacobson, Arne E. |
2016 |
"Cost-effective electric vehicle charging infrastructure siting for Delhi" in Environmental Research Letters
Laird, Aldaron |
2016 |
"City of Eureka Sea Level Rise Assets Vulnerability and Risk Assessment" in Local Reports and Publications |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Characterizing Uncertainty of a Formaldehyde Reference Standard" in Healthy Buildings 2015 Conference |
Larson, Jared D. |
2016 |
"Migration in 21st-century Iberia: the politics and patterns of anti-immigrantism and emigration" in IX Encontro Nacional Sobre Migrações |
Gorman, Molly |
2016 |
"Juvenile survival and adult return as a function of freshwater rearing life history for Coho Salmon in the Klamath River Basin" in Theses and Projects |
Fingerman, Kevin R. |
2016 |
"Towards the development of a European bioenergy trade strategy for 2020 and beyond" in European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings |
Paulson, Jeffrey Steven |
2016 |
"Logistics of integrating a biomass conversion technology into a centralized biomass recovery operation supply chain" in Theses and Projects |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2016 |
"India's Low Carbon Electricity Futures" in Theses and Dissertations |