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Displaying 326 - 350 of 1183
Author Year Publications
Ernest, Hollie A. 2016

"Soil organic matter distribution in a Douglas-Fir-Tanoak Forest, Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects

Erwin, Joseph M. 2016

"A neuronal aging pattern unique to humans and common chimpanzees" in Brain Structure and Function

Erwin, Joseph M. 2016

"Early Alzheimer's disease-type pathology in the frontal cortex of wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei)" in 

Erwin, Joseph M. 2016

"Human-specific increase of dopaminergic innervation in a striatal region associated with speech and language: A comparative analysis of the primate basal ganglia" in The Journal of Comparative Neurology

Erwin, Joseph M. 2016

"Microglia Changes Associated with Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in Aged Chimpanzees" in Alzheimer's & Dementia

Eschker, Erick 2016

"A General Economy of Marijuana: Implications for Legalization" in Quarterly Journal of the American Institute for Progressive Democracy

Evans, Tyler J. 2016

Restricted Cohomology of Modular Witt Algebras" in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

Evans, Tyler J. 2017

"Restricted one-dimensional central extensions of restricted simple Lie algebras" in Linear Algebra and Its Applications

Evans-Williams, Tranesha Dayna 2016

"Past, present, and future: the partnership of Master’s of social work projects within the community" in Theses and Projects

Farfan, Reynaldo 2016

"Faculty Webpages" in Library Student Projects

Farquar, George R. 2016

"Unique DNA-barcoded aerosol test particles for studying aerosol transport" in Aerosol Science and Technology

Farquar, George R. 2016

"Design of nonperiodic microarchitectured materials that achieve graded thermal expansions" in Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics

Farren, Cindy 2016

"Documenting transportation needs for a rural pacific northwestern county" in Theses and Reports

Fernandez, Julianne Mae 2016

"Quantifying emissions of methane derived from anaerobic organic matter respiration and natural gas extraction in Lake Erie" in Limnology and Oceanography

Ferrera-Anthony, Patricia 2016

"LatinoNet health fair 2015" in Theses and Projects

Finch, Deborah M. 2016

"Conservation and restoration of sagebrush ecosystems and sage-grouse: An assessment of usda forest service science" in USDA Forest Service General Technical Report

Finch, Deborah M. 2016

"Riparian trees and aridland streams of the southwestern United States: An assessment of the past, present, and future" in Journal of Arid Environments

Fine, Hunter H. 2016

Communication theory and millennial popular culture : essays and applications

Fine, Hunter H. 2016

Understanding Stuart Hall's Encoding/Decoding Model through TV's Breaking Bad in Communication Theory and Millennial Popular Culture

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2016

"Towards the development of a European bioenergy trade strategy for 2020 and beyond" in European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2016

"Guiding Northwest California Towards Alternative Transportation Fuels: A Roadmap to 2020 and Beyond" in Video Recording

Fisher, Jason C. 2016

"Groundwater-flow model for the Wood River Valley aquifer system, south-central Idaho" in USGS Scientific Investigations Reports

Fisher, Jason C. 2019

"An update of hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected constituents in water, Eastern Snake River Plain aquifer and perched groundwater zones, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, emphasis 2016-18" in USGS Scientific Investigations Reports

Flannery, Joel 2017

"Observations of channel change from constructed wood jams on a forested gravelbed stream" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Fleming, Sean 2020

"Satellite-based Phenology and Climate Anomaly Analysis in Evaluating the Response of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Tropical Forests to the 2015-2016 drought" in AGU Fall Meeting