First Name: ChristopherLast Name: DugawPublications: YearPublication 2000"Individual-based models solved using fast Fourier transforms" in Ecological Modelling 2004"The spatial spread of invasions: new developments in theory and evidence" in Ecology Letters 2004"Seasonally limited host supply generates microparasite population cycles" in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2005"Widening the window of persistence in seasonal pathogen–host systems" in Theoretical Population Biology 2005"Long-Term Survival of the Entomopathogenic Nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus" in Environmental Entomology 2006"Plant facilitation of a belowground predator" in Ecology 2007"Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?" in Ecology Letters 2009"Modeling activity rhythms in fiddler crabs" in Chronobiology International 2011"Individual heterogeneity in mortality mediates long-term persistence of a seasonal microparasite" in Oecologia 2012"Modeling the effects of predator exclosures on a western snowy plover population" in Natural Resources Modeling 2012"A cellular automata model to link surface fires to firebrand lift-off and dispersal" in International Journal of Wildland Fire 2013"Utility of an Instantaneous Moisture Meter for Duff Moisture Prediction in Long-Unburned Longleaf Pine Forests" in Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 2013"Pine cones facilitate ignition of forest floor duff" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2014"Spatial and temporal variability of forest floor duff characteristics in long-unburned Pinus palustris forests" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2017"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science 2024Laboratories in Mathematical Experimentation: A Bridge to Higher Mathematics, 2nd Edition