First Name: Walter G.Last Name: DuffyPublications: YearPublication 1978"Seasonal Abundance of Planktonic Rotifers in a Nearshore Area of Central Lake Michigan" in Journal of Great Lakes Research 1979"Colonization of the Ludington Pumped Storage Reservoir by Amphipods from Lake Michigan" in Michigan Academician 1980Environmental Baseline and Evaluation of the St. Mary's River Dredging: Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway Navigation Season Extension Program 1981Supplementary Environmental Baseline Studies and Evaluation of the St. Mary's River During 1980 1983Environmental Baseline Studies of St. Marys River Near Neebish Island, Michigan, Prior to Proposed Extension of Navigation Season, 1981 1985"Survival Following Exposure to Subzero Temperatures and Respiration in Cold Acclimatized Larvae of Enallagma boreale (Odonata:Zygoptera)" in Freshwater Invertebrate Biology 1985"The population ecology of the damselfly Lestes disjunctus disjunctus (zygoptera:odonata) in the St. Marys River, Michigan" in Theses and Dissertatins 1986"The ecology of Lake St. Clair wetlands: a community profile" in USF&WS Biological Report 1986The Ecology of Pools 11-13 of the Upper Mississippi River: A Community Profile 1987"The St. Marys River, Michigan: an ecological profile" in USF&WS Biological Report 1989"Hydrological, morphometrical, and biological characteristics of the connecting rivers of the International Great Lakes: a review" in Proceedings of the International Large River Symposium 1989Marsh Management in Coastal Louisiana: Effects and Issues: Proceedings of a Symposium 1992Chapter 7 "Application of Biological Measures to Classification of Aquatic Habitats in the Laurentian Great Lakes" in The Development of an Aquatic Habitat Classification System for Lakes 1993"The James River of the Dakotas" in USF&WS Biological Report 1993"Proposed Minimum Lengths for Size Categories of Landlocked Chinook Salmon" in The Prairie Naturalist 1993"Aquatic invertebrate production in southeastern USA wetlands during winter and spring" in Wetlands 1994"Demographics of Lestes disjunctus disjunctus (Odonata: Zygoptera) in a riverine wetland" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 1994"Evaluation of the Microtox Test to Detect Phorate Contamination in Wetlands" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1995"Effects of phorate on ducklings in northern prairie wetlands" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1995"Assessing Ecosystem Integrity Through Energy Flow in Wetlands of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks" in The UW National Parks Service Research Station Annual Reports 1995"The Influence of Changing Water Levels and Temperatures on the Food Habits of Walleye in Lake Oahe, South Dakota" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1995"Environmental Fate of Phorate and Its Metabolites in Northern Prairie Wetlands" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1995"The impact of phorate on the genetic diversity of wetland aquatic invertebrates" in Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science 1995"Influence of Vegetated Wetlands on the Water Quality of Two Glacial Prairie Lakes" in Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science 1995"Food Habits of Channel Catfish in Lake Oahe, South Dakota" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1995"Monthly and Size-Related Changes in the Diet of Rainbow Trout in Lake Oahe, South Dakota" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1996"The effect of phorate on wetland macroinvertebrates" in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 1996"Evaluation of Four Wetland Aquatic Invertebrate Samplers and Four Sample Sorting Methods" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1996"Caloric Densities of Three Predatory Fishes and Their Prey in Lake Oahe, South Dakota" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1996"An Efficient Method for Setting Gill Nets under Ice" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management 1997"Food habits of walleye in Shadehill Reservoir, South Dakota" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1998"Uptake of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by Daphnia pulex" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1998"Population dynamics, production and prey consumption by fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in prairie wetlands: a bioenergetics approach" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1998"Size Selection of Rainbow Smelt by Small Mesh Gill Nets" in The Prairie Naturalist 1999"Movement rules for individual-based models of stream fish" in Ecological Modelling 1999"Wetlands of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks: aquatic invertebrate diversity and community structure (pdf)" in Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands of North America: Ecology and Management 1999"'Paedocannibal' Morph Barred Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium) from Eastern South Dakota" in The American Midland Naturalist 1999"A biological assessment of four northern Black Hills streams" in Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 2000Science Support for Wetland Restoration in the Napa-Sonoma Salt Ponds, San Francisco Bay Estuary 2000 Progress Report 2001"A Caloric-based Evaluation of Diet Indices for Largemouth Bass" in Environmental Biology of Fishes 2001"Fidelity and Survival of Juvenile Coho Salmon in Response to a Flood" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2001"Influences of fathead minnows and aquatic macrophytes on nutrient partitioning and ecosystem structure in two prairie wetlands" in Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 2001"Size distribution of aquatic invertebrates in two prairie wetlands, with and without fish, with implications for community production" in Freshwater Biology 2001"Reply to ‘Discussion on ‘Movement rules for Individual-based models of stream fish’" in Ecological Modelling 2003"Effects of sediment load on emergence of aquatic invertebrates and plants from wetland soil egg and seed banks" in Wetlands 2004"Invertebrate egg banks of restored, natural, and drained wetlands in the prairie pothole region of the United States" in Wetlands 2006"Trophic structure and avian communities across a salinity gradient in evaporation ponds of the San Francisco Bay estuary" in Hydrobiologia 2007"Previously Undocumented Two-Year Freshwater Residency of Juvenile Coho Salmon in Prairie Creek, California" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2008Framework for Assessing Viability of Threatened Coho Salmon in the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Evolutionarily Significant Unit 2010"Partial migration in Oncorhynchus mykiss from the lower Klamath River Basin" in Pacific Coast Steelhead Management Meeting 2011"Wetland ecosystem services in California's Central Valley and implications for the Wetland Reserve Program" in Ecological Applications 2011"Integrating estimates of ecosystem services from conservation programs and practices into models for decision makers" in Ecological Applications 2011"Predation on Juvenile Pacific Salmon Oncorhynchus spp. in Downstream Migrant Traps in Prairie Creek, California" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management 2011Conservation Effects Assessment Project- Wetlands Assessment in California’s Central Valley and Upper Klamath River Basin 2011Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Medford, Oregon, February 1-5, 2010 2011"Nutrient fluxes and the recent collapse of coastal California salmon populations" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2011Chapter 7 "Conceptual model for restoration of the Klamath River" in Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference 2012"Temporally Irregular Breeding of Western Spadefoot Toads (Spea hammondii) in Managed Wetlands" in Northwestern Naturalist 2012"Climate, Management and Habitat Associations of Avian Fauna in Restored Wetlands of California’s Central Valley, USA" in Diversity 2013"Evaluating water quality ecosystem services of wetlands under historic and future climate" in AGU Fall Meeting 2013"Reviewed Work: The Fall and Rise of the Wetlands of California's Great Central Valley by Philip Garone" in The Quarterly Review of Biology 2014"Hydroclimatic and landscape controls on phosphorus loads to hypereutrophic Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, United States" in AGU Fall Meeting 2014"Potential Fitness Benefits of the Half-Pounder Life History in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2014"Climate change and wetland loss impacts on a western river's water quality" in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2014Prairie Creek Monitoring Project, 2011-2013 Seasons: A Report to the Fisheries Restoration Grants Program 2016"Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2016Chapter 31 "Wetlands" in Ecosystems of California 2016"Factors Influencing Nontarget Bird Occupancy of Restored Wetlands in California’s Central Valley" in Western Birds