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Displaying 1151 - 1175 of 1184
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Woglom, James F. 2016

"Girlhood Deconstructed: Becoming a Teacher Educator for Justice" in On Mutant Pedagogies

Woglom, James F. 2016

"Teaching Justice and Drawing Change in Teacher Education: Still Becoming" in On Mutant Pedagogies

Wolfe, Jared D. 2016

"Notes on the status and distribution of the avifauna of Equatorial Guinea, including five new country records" in African Bird Club Bulletin

Wolfe, Jared D. 2016

"Forest recovery in post-pasture Amazonia: Testing a conceptual model of space use by insectivorous understory birds" in Biological Conservation

Wolfe, Jared D. 2016

"Meta-analysis of California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) territory occupancy in the Sierra Nevada: habitat associations and their implications for forest management" in Condor

Wolfe, Jared D. 2016

"Camera sighting of Congo Clawless otter in the midst of rapid development on mainland Equatorial Guinea" in IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin

Wong, Jane 2016

"Using Life History Traits to Understand Human Perception of Visual and Vocal Attractiveness of Songbird Species" in Wildlife Research Poster

Wright, Katrina A. 2016

"Improving Hydrodynamic Modelling: an Analytical Framework for Assessment of Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models" in River Research and Applications

Wright, Stephanie 2016

"Bullying: an informative and educational approach to a widespread problem" in Theses and Projects

Yellow Bird, Michael 2016

Decolonizing Social Work. Routledge.

Yelton, Mateo Ramirez 2016

"Found Poem Dos" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Yelton, Mateo Ramirez 2016

"In My Dreams..." in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Yiep, Kanica 2016

"Peer tutoring in physical education: A review of evidence-based practices" in Theses and Projects

Yzaguirre, Monique 2016

"Heart(h)" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Yzaguirre, Monique 2016

"Pantoum Three" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Zald, Harold S.J. 2016

"Forest Carbon Calculators: A Review for Managers, Policymakers, and Educators" in Journal of Forestry

Zald, Harold S.J. 2016

"Integrating Landsat pixel composites and change metrics with lidar plots to predictively map forest structure and aboveground biomass in Saskatchewan, Canada" in Remote Sensing of Environment

Zald, Harold S.J. 2016

"Complex mountain terrain and disturbance history drive variation in forest aboveground live carbon density in the western Oregon Cascades, USA" in Forest Ecology and Management

Zald, Harold S.J. 2016

"Do insect outbreaks reduce the severity of subsequent forest fires?" in Environmental Research Letters

Zechman, Rick 2016

"Chloroplast phylogenomic analyses reveal the deepest-branching lineage of the Chlorophyta, Palmophyllophyceae class. nov." in Scientific Reports

Zeibig-Kichas, Nickolas E. 2016

"Contingent resistance in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) growth and defense 10 years following smoldering fires" in Forest Ecology and Management

Zeibig-Kichas, Nickolas E. 2016

"Bark Thickness Equations for Mixed-Conifer Forest Type in Klamath and Sierra Nevada Mountains of California" in International Journal of Forestry Research

Zender, Joshua R. 2016

"Marijuana Legalization’s Impact on State Budgets” in National Social Science Journal

Zender, Joshua R. 2016

"Growing divide: Humboldt County Pot Farmers Dispute Tax Proposal" in Times-Standard

Zender, Joshua R. 2016

"Impact of Marijuana Decriminalization on the Washington State Budget: Year One" in National Social Science Journal