Berrill, John-Pascal |
2017 |
"Tree size, growth, and anatomical factors associated with bear damage in young coast redwood" in Coast Redwood Science Symposium-2016: Past Successes and Future Direction |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2017 |
"Crown dynamics and wood production of Douglas-fir trees in an old-growth forest" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Braje, Todd J. |
2017 |
"The forest or the trees: Interpreting temporal changes in California mussel shell size" in Quaternary International |
Golightly, Richard T. |
2017 |
"State of the California Current 2016-17: Still Anything But "Normal" in the North" in CalCOFI Report |
Kim, Junghoon |
2017 |
"Association between Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines and Mortality in Korean Adults: An 8-year Prospective Study" in Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry |
Van Kirk, Robert W. |
2017 |
"Regional sensitivities of seasonal snowpack to elevation, aspect, and vegetation cover in western North America" in Water Resources Research |
Burkart, Patrick |
2017 |
"The international political economy of the hack: A closer look at markets for cybersecurity software" in Popular Communication |
Gara, Tawanda W. |
2017 |
"Estimating forest carbon stocks in tropical dry forests of Zimbabwe: exploring the performance of high and medium spatial-resolution multispectral sensors" in Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science |
Gold, Gregg J. |
2017 |
"Rural entrepreneurs: what are the best indicators of their success?" in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Gottscho, Andrew D. |
2017 |
"Lineage diversification of fringe-toed lizards (Phrynosomatidae: Uma notata complex) in the Colorado Desert: Delimiting species in the presence of gene flow" in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Gara, Tawanda W. |
2017 |
"Elephants move faster in small fragments of low productivity in Amboseli ecosystems: Kenya" in Geocarto International |
Peloso, Pedro |
2017 |
"Nomenclatural stability does not justify recognition of paraphyletic taxa: A response to Scherz et al. (2016)" in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Flannery, Joel |
2017 |
"Observations of channel change from constructed wood jams on a forested gravelbed stream" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Lipe, Daniel |
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"Living the consciousness: navigating the academic pathway for our children and communities" in International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education |
Dugaw, Christopher |
2017 |
"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science |
Ergas, Sarina J. |
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"Comparison of particulate pyrite autotrophic denitrification (PPAD) and sulfur oxidizing denitrification (SOD) for treatment of nitrified wastewater" in Water Science & Technology |
Fregoso, Theresa A. |
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"San Francisco Bay Delta Bathymetric/Topographic digital elevation model (DEM) - 2016 SF Bay Delta DEM 10-m" in U.S. Geological Survey Data Set |
Peloso, Pedro |
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"Amphibians and reptiles from Floresta Nacional de Pau-Rosa, Amazonas, Brazil: an important protected area at the heart of Amazonia" in Acta Amazonica |
Ergas, Sarina J. |
2017 |
"Modelling shortcut nitrogen removal from wastewater using an algal-bacterial consortium" in Water Science & Technology |
Cummins, Kenneth W. |
2017 |
"Promoting a functional macroinvertebrate approach in the biomonitoring of Italian lotic systems" in Journal of Limnology |
Rao, Mahesh N. |
2017 |
"Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data" in International Journal of Digital Earth |
du Bois, Haley |
2017 |
"Genomic integration of the full-length dystrophin coding sequence in Duchenne muscular dystrophy induced pluripotent stem cells" in Biotechnology Journal |
Beck, Owen N. |
2017 |
"Reduced prosthetic stiffness lowers the metabolic cost of running for athletes with bilateral transtibial amputations" in Journal of Applied Physiology |
Safran, Rebecca Jo |
2017 |
"The importance of cross-validation, accuracy, and precision for measuring plumage color: A comment on Vaquero-Alba et al. (2016)" in The Auk |
Gustas, Robert H. |
2017 |
"Least cost path analysis of early maritime movement on the Pacific Northwest Coast" in Journal of Archaeological Science |