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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1183
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Hemphill-Haley, Mark 2023

"Evaluating 9 m of near-surface transpressional displacement during the Mw 7.8 2016 Kaikōura earthquake: re-excavation of a pre-earthquake paleoseismic trench, Kekerengu Fault, New Zealand" in New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Stednitz, Sarah Josephine 2023

"kcnj13 regulates pigment cell shapes in zebrafish and has diverged by cis-regulatory evolution between Danio species" in Development

Hemphill-Haley, Mark 2023

"A revised paleoseismological record of late Holocene ruptures on the Kekerengu Fault following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake" in New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2020

"Effects of the 2016 El Niño on the Galapagos artisanal coastal fin-fish fishery" in Galapagos Research

Gwenzi, David 2020

"Satellite-based Phenology and Climate Anomaly Analysis in Evaluating the Response of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Tropical Forests to the 2015-2016 drought" in AGU Fall Meeting

Golightly, Richard T. 2020

"Extreme mortality and reproductive failure of common murres resulting from the northeast Pacific marine heatwave of 2014-2016" in PLOS ONE

Fleming, Sean 2020

"Satellite-based Phenology and Climate Anomaly Analysis in Evaluating the Response of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Tropical Forests to the 2015-2016 drought" in AGU Fall Meeting

Diémé, Joseph 2019

Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality, 1848-2016

Fisher, Jason C. 2019

"An update of hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected constituents in water, Eastern Snake River Plain aquifer and perched groundwater zones, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, emphasis 2016-18" in USGS Scientific Investigations Reports

Zhang, Monk 2019

 "November 8, 2016" in Toyon

Healy, Sean 2019

"Meeting the 24-hr movement guidelines: An update on US youth with autism spectrum disorder from the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health" in Autism Research

Aigner, Carrie J. 2019

"Meeting the 24-hr movement guidelines: An update on US youth with autism spectrum disorder from the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health" in Autism Research

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012-2016" in Western North American Naturalist

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2018

"The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

Hemphill-Haley, Mark 2018

"Surface rupture of multiple crustal faults in the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura, New Zealand, earthquake" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2018

"Do models parameterized with observations from the system predict larval yellow perch (Perca flavescens) growth performance better in Lake Erie?" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Parker, Michael 2018

"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012–2016" in Western North American Naturalist

Gress, Franklin 2018

"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012–2016" in Western North American Naturalist

Gara, Tawanda W. 2018

"Estimating forest standing biomass in savanna woodlands as an indicator of forest productivity using the new generation WorldView-2 sensor" in Geocarto International

Ludka, Bonnie C. 2018

"Southern California Coastal Response to the 2015–2016 El Niño" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface

Whitworth, Darrell L. 2018

"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012–2016" in Western North American Naturalist

Sheridan, Mark A. 2017

"Environmental estrogens inhibit mRNA and functional expression of growth hormone receptors as well as growth hormone signaling pathways in vitro in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)" in General and Comparative Endocrinology


Quinn-Davidson, Lenya N. 2017

"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2017

"The importance of cross-validation, accuracy, and precision for measuring plumage color: A comment on Vaquero-Alba et al. (2016)" in The Auk

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2017

"Disruptive selection on plumage coloration across genetically determined morphs" in Animal Behaviour