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Displaying 301 - 325 of 1085
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Ergas, Sarina J. 2015

"Modeling process control strategies for simultaneous nitrification denitirifcation in an oxidation ditch" in Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference

Ergas, Sarina J. 2015

"Kinetic and equilibrium studies of modified chabazite particles to remove ammonium for both freshwater and seawater fish" in AIChE Annual Meeting

Ergas, Sarina J. 2015

"Hybrid adsorption and biological treatment systems (HABITS) for onsite wastewater treatment" in Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference

Ergas, Sarina J. 2016

"Use of physical and biological process models to understand the performance of tubular anaerobic digesters" in Biochemical Engineering Journal

Ergas, Sarina J. 2016

"Review of small-scale tubular anaerobic digesters treating livestock waste in the developing world" in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Ergas, Sarina J. 2016

"Nitrogen Removal from Anaerobically Digested Swine Waste Centrate Using a Laboratory-Scale Chabazite-Sequencing Batch Reactor" in Environmental Engineering Science

Erickson, B. 2015

"Using Varnish Microlaminations to Provide Minimum Ages on Alluvium Associated with Ground Water Discharge Deposits on an Alluvial Fan at Fenner Gap, Cadiz, CA" in AGU Fall Meeting

Erwin, Joseph M. 2016

"Early Alzheimer's disease-type pathology in the frontal cortex of wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei)" in 

Eschenbach, Elizabeth A. 2015

"'Stereotype threat' and my students: What can I do about it?" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings

Esh, Patric 2015

"Rural police officers and their attitudes and perceptions of protest events" in Theses and Projects

Evangelista, Alan Glen 2015

"Modeling the effects of sea level rise on Long-billed Curlews at Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects

Evans, Julius 2015

"Energy harvesting through the piezoelectric effect at sports venues" in Theses and Projects

Falk, Adam Young 2015

"The effects of food storage and burrow limitation on the giant kangaroo rat" in Theses and Projects

Farmer, Sierra Eve 2015

"Students are Talking: Students create library at Eric Rofes Multicultural Queer Resource Center" in Check Out the Library

Farquar, George R. 2015

"Organizing cells within non-periodic microarchitectured materials that achieve graded thermal expansions" in Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference

Farrington, Jacqueline 2015

"A Separation of Women and Rights: the Reproductive Equality Fight" in ideaFest Poster

Farrington, Jacqueline 2015

"Humboldt Hindsight is 2020: Hungry for Humboldt" in Library Student Projects

Ferrell, Emily K. 2015

"Midterm impacts of fire severity on headwater stream ecosystems in the Klamath Mountains, California" in Theses and Projects

Ferrell, Emily K. 2015

“Post-fire recovery of benthic macroinvertebrate communities and periphyton in Klamath Mountain headwaters” in California Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting

Ferrera-Anthony, Patricia 2016

"LatinoNet health fair 2015" in Theses and Projects

Fikes, Aren 2015

"Green Dreams" in Osprey

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2015

“The water-biofuel-poverty nexus: Investigating the water resource impacts of biofuel expansion and the resulting links to poverty in susceptible regions” in ActionAid

Fink, Tanya 2015

"Combating the food crisis: issues of trans-species food security" in Theses and Projects

Fisher, Jason C. 2015

"Water-quality characteristics and trends for selected wells possibly influenced by wastewater disposal at the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 1981-2012" in USGS Scientific Investigations Reports

Fisher, Jason C. 2015

"Multilevel groundwater monitoring of hydraulic head and temperature in the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2011-13" in USGS Scientific Investigations Reports