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Displaying 226 - 250 of 977
Author Year Publications
DeVita, EvaLinda 2014

"Modeling population interactions between native Yellowstone cutthroat trout and invasive rainbow trout in the south fork Snake River" in Theses and Projects

Dickens, Susan E. 2014

"Community assessment of same- sex survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Diémé, Joseph 2021

Dans la peau d'un immigré

Dierks, Janina 2014

"Cantharellaceae Of Guyana II: New Species Of Craterellus, New South American Distribution Records For Cantharellus Guyanensis And Craterellus Excelsus, And A Key To The Neotropical Taxa" in Mycologia

Diller, Lowell V. 2014

"Removing barred owls from local areas: Techniques and feasibility" in Wildlife Society Bulletin

Diller, Lowell V. 2014

"Tree-nesting by peregrine falcons in North America: Historical and additional records" in Journal of Raptor Research

Dinscore, Amanda 2014

"One librarian: 1,400 freshmen" in Library Instruction West Presentations

Donahue, Megan J. 2014

"Reefs shift from net accretion to net erosion along a natural environmental gradient" in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Donahue, Megan J. 2014

"Patterns in Temporal Variability of Temperature, Oxygen and pH along an Environmental Gradient in a Coral Reef" in PLoS One

Doty, Kathleen L. 2014

"Excellence in Teaching - Professor Kathleen Doty" in Video Recordings

Draper, David S. 2014

"Role of sample return and sample science in low cost missions" in Acta Astronautica

Draskinis, Daniel 2014

"Power Dynamics and Integrative Treatment Modalities in Breast Cancer Patients" in Theses and Projects

Dresner, Marion 2015

"Environmental identity, pro-environmental behaviors, and civic engagement of volunteer stewards in Portland area parks" in Environmental Education Research

Duarte, Amy 2014

"Development of DNA mismatch repair gene, MutS, as a diagnostic marker for detection and phylogenetic analysis of algal Megaviruses" in Virology

Duffy, Walter G. 2014

"Hydroclimatic and landscape controls on phosphorus loads to hypereutrophic Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, United States" in AGU Fall Meeting

Duffy, Walter G. 2014

"Potential Fitness Benefits of the Half-Pounder Life History in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Duffy, Walter G. 2014

"Climate change and wetland loss impacts on a western river's water quality" in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Dugaw, Christopher 2014

"Spatial and temporal variability of forest floor duff characteristics in long-unburned Pinus palustris forests" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Dunk, Jeffrey R. 2014

"Using Survey Data to Estimate Occupancy and to Model Suitable Habitat throughout the Geographic Range of the Endangered Point Arena Mountain Beaver" in United States Department of Agriculture Report

Dunk, Jeffrey R. 2014

"Mapping sources, sinks and connectivity using a simulation model of northern spotted owls" in Landscape Ecology

Dunn, Ryan S. 2014

"Determination of Metal Accumulation and Loading in the Oxidation Ponds at the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility" in Final report to the Environmental Services Department

Dura, Tina 2014

"Paleoseismic Records of Multiple Great Earthquakes from the Subduction Zones of Sumatra, Chile, and Alaska" in AGU Fall Meeting

Dura, Tina 2014

"Paleoseismic Records of Multiple Great Earthquakes from the Subduction Zones of Sumatra, Chile, and Alaska" in AGU Fall Meeting

Dykstra, Brian 2014

"Reproductive ecology of a rare serpentine endemic, Vancouveria chrysantha (Berberidaceae)" in Theses and Projects

Eberhart-Phillips-Hertel, Luke J. 2014

"Conservation challenges of a sink: the viability of an isolated population of the Snowy Plover" in Bird Conservation International