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Displaying 51 - 75 of 17745
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Wan, Ho Yi 2022

"Comparison of habitat suitability and connectivity modelling for three carnivores of conservation concern in an Iranian montane landscape" in Landscape Ecology

Craig, Sean 1997

"The ‘paradox’of polyembryony: a review of the cases and a hypothesis for its evolution" in Evolutionary Ecology

Wan, Ho Yi 2021

"Forecasting habitat and connectivity for pronghorn across the Great Basin ecoregion" in Diversity and Distributions

Wan, Ho Yi 2021

"The role of the environment in the spatial dynamics of an extensive hybrid zone between two Neotropical cats" in Journal of Evolutionary Biology

Craig, Sean 1998

"Bryozoans in Space and Time" in The Quarterly Review of Biology

Craig, Sean 2006

"Succession in a Humboldt Bay marine fouling community: the role of exotic species, larval settlement and winter storms" in Proceedings of the 2004 Humboldt Bay Symposium

Craig, Sean 1987

"Food Mediated Shell Plasticity in the Predatory Marine Snail Thais Haemastoma (Conrad)" in Theses and Projects

Craig, Sean 2006

"The role of the chiton Mopalia ciliata in the creation and maintenance of free space within marine fouling communities" in Integrative and Comparative Biology

Wan, Ho Yi 2021

"Integrating spatial analysis and questionnaire survey to better understand human-onager conflict in Southern Iran" in Scientific Reports

Wan, Ho Yi 2021

"Land snail microclimate niches identify suitable areas for climate refugia management on a montane landscape" in Ecological Indicators

Meyer, John M. 2018

"Review of Visionary Pragmatism: Radical and Ecological Democracy in Neoliberal Times" in Perspectives on Politics

Moore, Jeffrey E. 2023

"A collaborative and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset" in Scientific Reports

Till, Claire P. 2021

"Determination of Bioaccumunlated Trace Metals in Marine Macroalgea" in ideaFest Posters

Colwell, Mark A. 1991

"Lifetime reproductive success in the spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia) : sex differences and variance components" in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Van Pelt, Robert 2010

"Process-Based View of Floodplain Forest Patterns in Coastal River Valleys of the Pacific Northwest" in Ecosystems

Zerbe, Noah 2013

"Peter Oosterveer and David A. Sonnenfeld: Food, globalization and sustainability" in Agriculture and Human Values

Zerbe, Noah 2014

"Jennifer Clapp: Food" in Agriculture and Human Values

Donahue, Megan J. 2007

"Reconstructing past biological invasions: niche shifts in response to invasive predators and competitors" in Biological Invasions

Sinn, David 2015

"Criterion analysis and content validity for standardized behavioral tests in a detector-dog breeding program" in Journal of Forensic Sciences

Donahue, Megan J. 2022

"Effects of sediment exposure on corals: a systematic review of experimental studies" in Environmental Evidence

Van Pelt, Robert 2018

"Tree-Ring Indicators of Fire in Two Old-Growth Coast Redwood Forests" in Fire Ecology

Bisel, Brooke R. 2015

"Comprehensive practice of school psychology within a multi-tiered model to promote learning among culturally diverse elementary school communities with ranging needs" in Theses and Projects

Slattery, Annika 2020

"Willow Creek, California Tourism Analysis" in Open Educational Resources and Data

Hackney, Mandy 2020

"Willow Creek, California Tourism Analysis" in Open Educational Resources and Data

Abelli-Amen, Kyle 2020

"Willow Creek, California Tourism Analysis" in Open Educational Resources and Data