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Displaying 24751 - 24775 of 25443
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Winnacott, Natasha Hope 2023

"Inferring exposure to harmful pseudo-nitzschia blooms from ocean-to-estuary gradients in domoic acid concentrations in Humboldt Bay bivalves" in Theses and Projects

Winston, Janet 1996

"'Something Out of Harmony': 'To the Lighthouse' and the Subject(s) of Empire" in Woolf Studies Annual

Winston, Janet 1997

"Queen Victoria in the Funnyhouse: Adrienne Kennedy and the rituals of colonial possession" in Remaking Queen Victoria

Winston, Janet 1997

"Reading Influences: Homoeroticism and Mentoring in Katherine Mansfieldʹs ʺCarnationʺ and Virginia Woolfʹs ʺMoments of Being: ʹSlaterʹs Pins Have No Pointsʹʺ" in Virginia Woolf: Lesbian Readings

Winston, Janet 2006

"Difficult Silences" in Academe

Winston, Janet 2009

Woolf's To the Lighthouse

Winston, Janet 2012

"Kinetic Tropes, Comedic Turns: Dancing To the Lighthouse" in Contradictory Woolf

Winterbottom, Caitlin 2015

"New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia" in MycoKeys

Winterbottom, Caitlin 2016

"Corrigenda: New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia" in MycoKeys

Winters, Cristine 2023

"Post-Wildland Fire Prescribed Burning: Regeneration of Ponderosa Pine and Changes in Fuel Loads Following the Jasper Fire" in ideaFest Posters

Winters, Jordyn 2019

"Keeping it Glassy: Skeletal Analysis of Ancient Mesoamerican Obsidian Weapons" in ideaFest Poster

Wise, Melissa 2019

" Serving in the Kingdom: A Volunteer Experience in the Development of EFL Literacy in Tonga" in Theses and Projects

Wisely, Samantha Mara 1997

"Water economy in two species of plethodontid salamander" in Theses and Projects

Wisely, Samantha Mara 2003

"Behavioral and Ecological Adaptations to Water Economy in Two Plethodontid Salamanders, Ensatina eschscholtzii and Batrachoseps attenuatus" in Journal of Herpetology

Wisely, Samantha Mara 2005

"Zoogeography, Spacing Patterns, and Dispersal in Fishers" in Martens and Fishers (Martes) in Human-Altered Environments

Wisely, Samantha Mara 2007

"Assessment of Social Attraction Techniques Used to Restore a Common Murre Colony in Central California" in Waterbirds

Wisheropp, Evan 2014

"Scenario Planning for Building Coastal Resilience in the Face of Sea Level Rise: The Case of Jacobs Avenue, Eureka, CA" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Wisheropp, Evan 2014

"Scenario Planning for Building Coastal Resilience in the Face of Sea Level Rise: The Case of Jacobs Avenue, Eureka, CA" in Theses and Projects

Witmore, Shari K. 2014

"Seasonal growth, retention, and movement of juvenile coho salmon in natural and constructed habitats of the mid-Klamath River" in Theses and Projects

Witte Scott, Cara 2010

"Floristic affinities of Horse Mountain, Grouse Mountain, Board Camp Mountain, and surrounding areas, Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects

Witter, Robert C. 1998

"Response of a small Oregon estuary to coseismic subsidence and postseismic uplift in the past 300 years" in Geology

Witter, Robert C. 2002

"Plate-boundary earthquakes and tsunamis of the past 5500 yr, Sixes River estuary, southern Oregon" in Geological Society of America Bulletin

Witter, Robert C. 2002

"Past earthquake-induced rapid subsidence along the northern San Andreas fault: A paleoseismological method for investigating strike-slip faults" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Witter, Robert C. 2003

"Great Cascadia earthquakes and tsunamis of the past 6700 years, Coquille River estuary, southern coastal Oregon" in Geological Society of America Bulletin

Witter, Robert C. 2004

"Evidence for Late Holocene Earthquakes on the Utsalady Point Fault, Northern Puget Lowland, Washington" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America