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Displaying 24676 - 24700 of 25478
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Tealle, Adeline 2023

"Mesocarnivore Responses to Visual Lures In Freshwater, California" in ideaFest Posters

Terrill, Nicholas 2023

"Managing Pain to Avoid Opioid Misuse" in ideaFest Posters

Tetzlaff, Riley 2023

"Salamander Occupancy according to Log Shape and Condition in Humboldt County" in ideaFest Posters

Vignery, Chris 2023

"Salamander Habitat Abundance Based on Water Flow" in ideaFest Posters

Winters, Cristine 2023

"Post-Wildland Fire Prescribed Burning: Regeneration of Ponderosa Pine and Changes in Fuel Loads Following the Jasper Fire" in ideaFest Posters

Wooldridge, Julie 2023

"Surgical Smoke: The Forgotten Biohazard" in ideaFest Posters

Correia, Joel 2023

Disrupting the Patrón: Indigenous Land Rights and the Fight for Environmental Justice in Paraguay’s Chaco

Brennan, Leonard A. 2023

"Evaluation of roost culling as a management strategy for reducing invasive rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) populations" in Biological Invasions

Rana, Yaad 2023

"Influence of Temperature, Feedstock and Moisture Content in a Continuous Feed Screw" in SSRN

Beeney, Joseph E. 2023

"Self-report response style bias and borderline personality features" in Current Psychology

Kim, Junghoon 2023

"Acute Effects of Electromyography Biofeedback Training on the Joint Position Sense and Pain in Adults with Patellofemoral Pain" in The Asian Journal of Kinesiology

Kim, Junghoon 2023

"Urinary Phthalate Metabolites and Slow Walking Speed in the Korean Elderly Environmental Panel II Study" in Environmental Health Perspectives

Kim, Junghoon 2023

"Accelerometer-derived physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns among Korean adults" in Physical Activity and Nutrition

Rothman, Michael 2023

"Back on the mat: wrestling returns to Humboldt" in Osprey

Dennis, Amber Rae 2023

"Twilight seaweed harvest" in Osprey

Dennis, Amber Rae 2023

"Humboldt's own harm reduction faerie" in Osprey

Ellison, Bryan 2023

"WTF is CCAT? All about the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology" in Osprey

Bernal, Tori 2023

"The CCAT foraging cookbook: A compilation of recipes made from plants foragable at Cal Poly Humboldt" in Osprey

Holmes, Erin 2023

"Fired Up: Humboldt students work with fire" in Osprey

Vargas, Maranda 2023

"Hungry for change: Food insecurity in Humboldt" in Osprey

Delany, Colwyn 2023

"Who is the Humboldt Honey? 40 years later" in Osprey

Dellos, Ione 2023

"I was born knowing you, I was born loving you: there is no love like a sibling's love" in Osprey

Cayenne, Ruby 2023

"'Small paper cuts': perspectives from Latine researchers in the sciences" in Osprey

MacFarlane, Jenna 2023

"Short Story" in Journeys into Possibility: Tales from the Pikes Peak Writers

Maxon, Justin 2023

Field Guide to a Crisis: Strategies for survival from people in recovery