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Displaying 23726 - 23750 of 25478
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Ratner, Carl 1988

"Psychology’s Relation to Biology: Qualitatively Distinct Levels" in Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology

Frenkel, Stephen W. 1988

"Pretext or Prophylaxis? Racial Segregation and Malarial Mosquitos in a British Tropical Colony: Sierra Leone" in Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Finney, Brad A. 1988

"Planning Model for Optimal Control of Saltwater Intrusion" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Erwin, Joseph M. 1988

"Editorial" in American Journal of Primatology

Vrem, Richard C. 1988

"Lp-improving measures on hypergroups" in Lecture Notes in Mathematics

Cragg, Gordon M. 1988

"Variation in cytotoxicity and antitumor activity among samples of the mossClaopodium crispifolium (Thuidiaceae)" in Economic Botany

Kitchen, David W. 1988

"Mating system shift in a pronghorn population" in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Blyther, R. 1988

"The habitat and nesting biology of the African honey beeApis mellifera scutellata in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana, Africa" in Insectes Sociaux

Bond, Kenneth M. 1988

"A conceptual model to predict instances of international corporate bribery and extortion: A cultural analysis for business" in International Journal of Value-Based Management

Bond, Kenneth M. 1988

"To Stay or to Leave: The Moral Dilemma of Divestment of South African Assets" in Journal of Business Ethics

Bond, Kenneth M. 1988

Bibliography of business ethics and business moral values

Mulligan, Timothy J. 1988

"A method of stock identification based on the elemental composition of striped bass Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) otoliths" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

Thoelecke, P. A. 1988

"Families of Primal Graphs" in Ars Combinatoria

Munton, Dan 1988

"On the edge-connectivity and separation sequences of rectangular grid graphs" in Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing

Crosby-Muilenburg, Corryn 1988

"Psychological and Educational Tests: A Selective Annotated Guide" in ERIC

Langlois, Aimée 1988

"Patterns of language comprehension deficit in abused and neglected children" in Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders

Langlois, Aimée 1988

"A model for teaching parents to facilitate fluent speech" in Journal of Fluency Disorders

Akesson, Thomas Ryan 1988

"Evidence for an absence of estrogen-concentration by CCK-immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus of the female rat" in Journal of Neurobiology

Reeves, K. A. 1988

"Summer diet and status of river otters on Redwood Creek" in Theses and Projects

Pennekamp, Marianne 1988

Social Work Practice: Toward a Child, Family, School, Community Perspective 

Pennekamp, Marianne 1988

"Toward a Partnership Perspective: Schools, Families, and School Social Workers" in Social Work in Education

Pennekamp, Marianne 1988

"Review of Starting School: From Separation to Independence by Nancy Balaban" in Social Work in Education

Carver, Raymond 1988

Where I'm Calling From: New and Selected Stories

Sarver, Shane K. 1988

"Do marine bivalves carry unusually high loads of deleterious mutations?" in Journal of Shellfish Research

Sarver, Shane K. 1988

"Genetic differentiation among populations of the bay mussel, Mytilus edulis from populations along the coast of California" in Journal of Shellfish Research