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Displaying 2876 - 2900 of 18076
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Engel, Richard A. 2000

"A photovoltaic/fuel cell power system for a remote telecommunications station" in Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Van Pelt, Robert 2000

"Influence of canopy structure on the understory environment in tall, old-growth, conifer forests" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Pearson, Erik J. 2000

"Economic analysis of a conservation easement in the Jacoby Creek watershed" in Theses and Projects

Santos, Terry 2000

"On the future of second language writing: A colloquium" in Journal of Second Language Writing

Thobaben, Marshelle 2000

"Policy implications of medication errors" in Home Care Provider

Harwood, T. Mark 2000

"Antiscientific attitudes: What happens when scientists are unscientific?" in Journal of Clinical Psychology

Johnson, Matthew D. 2000

"Evaluation of an Arthropod Sampling Technique for Measuring Food Availability for Forest Insectivorous Birds" in Journal of Field Ornithology

Schineller, Jeffrey B. 2000

“Chemical Synthesis of Autoinducers and Autoinducer Analogs” in Methods of Enzymology

Kentner, Edward K. 2000

"Evidence for natural selection in a fern hybrid zone" in American Journal of Botany

Biteman, Patricia M. 2000

"Joe Learned to Cook" in Home Health Care Management & Practice

Aberson, Christopher L. 2000

"Using cognitive learning theory to design effective on-line statistics tutorials" in Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers

Newman, Scott H. 2000

"An improved radio attachment technique for a variety of marine bird species" in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biotelemetry

Sutler-Cohen, Sara C. 2000

"The indigenous diaspora in academics and the impact of the Red Power Movement on inclusion of American Indian scholarship" in Theses and Projects

Kubo, Aya 2000

"Design, expression and functional characterization of a synthetic gene encoding the Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein" in Gene

Thobaben, Marshelle 2000

"HIV infection and AIDS in the pediatric population implications for home care providers" in Home Care Provider

Johnson, Matthew D. 2000

"Length-weight relationships of Jamaican arthropods" in Entomological News

Aberson, Christopher L. 2000

"Evaluation of an Interactive Tutorial for Teaching the Central Limit Theorem" in Teaching of Psychology

Miller III, William 2000

"Trace fossil assemblages in Cretaceous-Paleogene pelagic limestones of the Belluno area, northeastern Italy" in Memorie di Scienze Geologiche

Newman, Scott H. 2000

"Distribution of Xantus' murrelet Synthliboramphus hypoleucus at sea in the Southern California Bight, 1995-97" in Ibis

Trush, William J. 2000

"Attributes of an alluvial river and their relation to water policy and management" in PNA

Isola, Craig R. 2000

"Interspecific differences in habitat use of shorebirds and waterfowl foraging in managed wetlands of California's San Joaquin Valley" in Colonial Waterbirds

Schafer, John C. 2000

"The Collective and the Individual in Two Post-War Vietnamese Novels" in Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Hackett, Steven 2000

"Self-Regulation and Social Welfare: The Political Economy of Corporate Environmentalism" in The Journal of Law & Economics

Wood, William F. 2000

"Short-chain carboxylic acids from the anal glands of the binturong, Arctictis binturong (Viverridae, Mammalia)" in Biochemical Systematics and Ecology

Kay, Mary H. 2000

"Floor Covering Options for 'Sick Buildings'" in Journal of Library Administration