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Displaying 25776 - 25794 of 25794
Author Year Publications
Zuelow, Angelina 2024

"Freezing and Mechanical Failure of a Habitat-Forming Kelp in the Rocky Intertidal Zone" in Intergrative and Comparative Biology

Zuelow, Angelina 2024

"Seasonal variability in energetic value of Crangon alaskensis and effects of marine heatwaves in the Northeast Pacific Ocean" in Marine Environmental Research

Zulliger, Erin 2022

"A multi-metric movement model for identifying elk parturition events" in Wildlife Society Bulletin

Zuniga, Enoc M. 2013

"Feature-positive and feature-negative learning in honey bees" in Journal of Experimental Biology

Zuniga, Nick 2022

"Electroporation of E. coli and Agar Gel Electrophoresis of FB5⍺" in ideaFest Poster

Zurawski, A. M. 2015

"Surface Energy Budget Components Over an Arid Scrubland Site in Idaho" in AGU Fall Meeting

Zurawski, A. M. 2016

"Biomass "Green" Power Vs. Coal "Traditional" Power: Who is the Largest Emitter in Humboldt County and How Should Regulations be Addressed?" in AGU Fall Meeting

Zurita, Karen 2023

"I am Not Afraid" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Zurita, Karen 2023

"Muele las palabras con canela: how queer Xicanx writing practices reclaim indigeneity" in Theses and Projects

Zuroske, Zoe 2019

"Nonverbal and Stereotypical Representations of Disney Animation and Characters Throughout History" in ideaFest Poster

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 1995

"Female red junglefowl choose to mate with multiple males" in Animal Behaviour

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 1995

"Ornate plumage of male red junglefowl does not influence mate choice by females" in Animal Behaviour

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 1998

"Patterns of cavity-entrance orientation by gilded flickers (Colaptes chrysoides) in cardon cactus" in The Auk

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 1998

"Observations of breeding site fidelity of green-tailed towhees (Pipilo chlorurus) in central New Mexico" in Texas Journal of Science

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 1999

"Genetic variability in the endemic vireos of Puerto Rico and Jamaica contrasted with the continental white-eyed vireo" in The Auk

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 2000

"RAPD-PCR amplification of DNA extracted from avian blood infected with Haemoproteus fails to produce false positive markers" in Condor

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 2001

"Genetic structuring among migratory populations of the Black-whiskered Vireo, with a comparison to the Red-eyed Vireo" in Condor

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 2003

"Genetic variability in migratory and endemic island songbirds (genus Vireo): A comparative assessment using molecular and morphological traits" in Conservation Genetics

Zwartjes, Patrick W. 2005

"Assessment of native species and ungulate grazing in the southwest: Terrestrial wildlife" in USDA FS General Technical Report