Zuelow, Angelina |
2024 |
"Freezing and Mechanical Failure of a Habitat-Forming Kelp in the Rocky Intertidal Zone" in Intergrative and Comparative Biology |
Zuelow, Angelina |
2024 |
"Seasonal variability in energetic value of Crangon alaskensis and effects of marine heatwaves in the Northeast Pacific Ocean" in Marine Environmental Research |
Zulliger, Erin |
2022 |
"A multi-metric movement model for identifying elk parturition events" in Wildlife Society Bulletin |
Zuniga, Enoc M. |
2013 |
"Feature-positive and feature-negative learning in honey bees" in Journal of Experimental Biology |
Zuniga, Nick |
2022 |
"Electroporation of E. coli and Agar Gel Electrophoresis of FB5⍺" in ideaFest Poster |
Zurawski, A. M. |
2015 |
"Surface Energy Budget Components Over an Arid Scrubland Site in Idaho" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Zurawski, A. M. |
2016 |
"Biomass "Green" Power Vs. Coal "Traditional" Power: Who is the Largest Emitter in Humboldt County and How Should Regulations be Addressed?" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Zurita, Karen |
2023 |
"I am Not Afraid" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Zurita, Karen |
2023 |
"Muele las palabras con canela: how queer Xicanx writing practices reclaim indigeneity" in Theses and Projects |
Zuroske, Zoe |
2019 |
"Nonverbal and Stereotypical Representations of Disney Animation and Characters Throughout History" in ideaFest Poster |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
1995 |
"Female red junglefowl choose to mate with multiple males" in Animal Behaviour |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
1995 |
"Ornate plumage of male red junglefowl does not influence mate choice by females" in Animal Behaviour |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
1998 |
"Patterns of cavity-entrance orientation by gilded flickers (Colaptes chrysoides) in cardon cactus" in The Auk |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
1998 |
"Observations of breeding site fidelity of green-tailed towhees (Pipilo chlorurus) in central New Mexico" in Texas Journal of Science |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
1999 |
"Genetic variability in the endemic vireos of Puerto Rico and Jamaica contrasted with the continental white-eyed vireo" in The Auk |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
2000 |
"RAPD-PCR amplification of DNA extracted from avian blood infected with Haemoproteus fails to produce false positive markers" in Condor |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
2001 |
"Genetic structuring among migratory populations of the Black-whiskered Vireo, with a comparison to the Red-eyed Vireo" in Condor |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
2003 |
"Genetic variability in migratory and endemic island songbirds (genus Vireo): A comparative assessment using molecular and morphological traits" in Conservation Genetics |
Zwartjes, Patrick W. |
2005 |
"Assessment of native species and ungulate grazing in the southwest: Terrestrial wildlife" in USDA FS General Technical Report |