Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Automated habitat monitoring systems linked to adaptive management: a new paradigm for species conservation in an era of rapid environmental change" in Landscape Ecology |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Northern spotted owl nesting habitat under high potential wildfire threats along the California Coastal Redwood Forest" in Science of The Total Environment |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Comparing drivers and protection of core habitat and connectivity for two sympatric desert carnivores" in Global Ecology and Conservation |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Climate change induces habitat shifts and overlaps among carnivores in an arid and semi-arid ecosystem" in Ecological Informatics |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Effects of water stress on plant volatile emission and insect oviposition preference in an agroecosystem" in Agricultural and Forest Entomology |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Effects of long-term mowing on species diversity, biomass and composition of plant community in a semi-arid grassland in northeastern China" in Applied Vegetation Science |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Standing Litter Modifies Top-Down Effects of Large Herbivores on a Grassland Plant Community" in Ecosystems |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Correction to: Spatial and temporal dynamics of Mexican spotted owl habitat in the southwestern US" in Landscape Ecology |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2023 |
"Seventy-two models of large mammal connectivity across Panama: insights into a critical biogeographic linkage zone" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
Nayeri, Danial |
2023 |
"Understanding debates about Asiatic cheetah conservation through media analysis" in Conservation Science and Practice |
Nayeri, Danial |
2023 |
"Evidence on the role of social media in the illegal trade of Iranian wildlife" in Conservation Science and Practice |
Nayeri, Danial |
2023 |
"Comparing Mexican spotted owl habitat suitability in two different habitat types using a multi-scale ensemble learning framework" in Theses and Projects |
Nayeri, Danial |
2023 |
"Northern spotted owl nesting habitat under high potential wildfire threats along the California Coastal Redwood Forest" in Science of the Total Environment |
Nayeri, Danial |
2023 |
"Evaluation of motorists perceptions toward collision of an endangered large herbivore in Iran" in Global Ecology and Conservation |
Hysen, Logan Baker |
2023 |
"Using multiscale ensemble habitat models to identify wildfire risk to habitat for an iconic forest species" in Theses and Projects |
Hysen, Logan Baker |
2023 |
"Northern spotted owl nesting habitat under high potential wildfire threats along the California Coastal Redwood Forest" in Science of The Total Environment |
Hysen, Logan Baker |
2023 |
"Standing Litter Modifies Top-Down Effects of Large Herbivores on a Grassland Plant Community" in Ecosystems |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2023 |
"Reduced fire severity offers near-term buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western United States" in PNAS |
Atienza, Paul Michael Leonardo |
2023 |
“Sociotechnical Infrastructures: Tracing Gay Dating App Socialities in Manila” in Beauty and Brutality: Manila and its Global Discontents |
Atienza, Paul Michael Leonardo |
2023 |
“I Look at How They Write Their Bio and I Judge From There”: Language and Class Among Middle-Class Queer Filipino Digital Socialities in Manila” in International Journal of Communication |
Atienza, Paul Michael Leonardo |
2023 |
"Introduction: STS in the Philippines in Science and Technology Studies in the Philippines" in Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
Donahue, Eden J. |
2023 |
"Exploration of California School Nurse perspectives on the impact of COVID-19" in Public Health Nursing |
Donahue, Eden J. |
2023 |
"Narrative Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Address Burnout Among the Nursing Workforce" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Aghasaleh, Rouhollah |
2023 |
"Whose Science is of the Most Worth? Making a Case for Problem Posing Instead of Problem Solving" in Navigating Elementary Science Teaching and Learning |
Anderson, Jill |
2023 |
"Collaborative Preparation of Special Educators and Adapted Physical Educators" in Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Preparation for Equitable Special Education |