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Displaying 26 - 50 of 542
Author Year Publications
Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2024

"Factors influencing the creation of high-impact oil and gas geophysical seismic cutlines in an ecologically-sensitive landscape in northeastern British Columbia, Canada" in The Extractive Industries and Society

Aronson, Ben 2024

"Blue Creek Restoration and Tribal Resiliance" in The Chanterelle

Ashton, Donald T. 2024

"Population Viability Analysis for Two Species of Imperiled Freshwater Turtles" in Chelonian Conservation and Biology

Avila, Madison 2024

"Emotions" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Baker, Jessica 2024

"Intercultural and International Communication in the Surrogacy Industry" in Theses and Projects

Bandy, Gavin B. 2024

"Evaluating the utility of tracers to characterize environmental DNA transport and inform detection of fishes in small streams" in Theses and Projects

Barboza, Yaire Thaiz 2024

"Estrella de Espinas" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Barker, Morgan 2024

Editor of Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Barton, Daniel C. 2024

"It's about time: A multistate semicontinuous time mark–recapture model to evaluate seasonal survival and movement rates of juvenile Coho Salmon in a small coastal watershed" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Battle, Baylie 2024

"Real Learning, Real Joy" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Bealum, AJ 2024

3D Digital Herbarium

Bealum, AJ 2024

"3D Herbarium Launch January 25, 2024" in Check Out the Library

Bean, William Tim 2024

"A new search behaviour: porcupines scout for winter habitat during summer" in Animal Behaviour

Beck, Owen N. 2024

"Habitually wearing high heels may improve user walking economy in any footwear" in Journal of Applied Physiology

Belamaric, Pairsa N. 2024

"A new search behaviour: porcupines scout for winter habitat during summer" in Animal Behaviour

Belt, Kelli Grace 2024

"The Student-to-Journalist Pipeline: Attitudes, Motivations, and Expressed Likelihood of Choosing a Journalism Career" in Journalism & Mass Communication Educator

Benavides-Garb, Rosamel Segundo 2024

"JG / JG" in Oaxaca y más allá, microrelatos bilingües del corazón / Oaxaca and beyond, bilingual microstories from the heart

Bernal, Ana 2024

"Chimichanga" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Berrill, John-Pascal 2024

"Pile burning after conifer removal from aspen stands affects tree mortality, regeneration, and understory recovery" in Forest Ecology and Management

Bias, Michael A. 2024

"Diets of Breeding and Nonbreeding California Spotted Owls" in Journal of Raptor Research

Biggins, Dean E. 2024

"Prey selection by black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes): implications for intersexual resource partitioning and conservation" in Journal of Mammalogy

Biggins, Dean E. 2024

"Coyote use of prairie dog colonies is most frequent in areas used by American badgers" in Journal of Mammalogy

Biondo, Vincent 2024

Islam in North America: An Introduction

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2024

"Critical swimming speed of juvenile rockfishes (Sebastes) following long- and short-term exposures to acidification and deoxygenation" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2024

"Pop-up satellite archival tags and an individual-based model provide new insights on behavioural thermoregulation in migrating ovigerous American lobster" in Ecological Modelling