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Displaying 1426 - 1440 of 1440
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Ackerman, James D. 2023

"Beyond the various contrivances by which orchids are pollinated: global patterns in orchid pollination biology" in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Surrogate modeling of pressure loss & mass transfer in membrane channels via coupling of computational fluid dynamics and machine learning" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Fouling characterization and treatment of water reuse concentrate with membrane distillation: Do organics really matter" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Pore flow and solute rejection in pilot-scale air-gap membrane distillation" in Journal of Membrane Science

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Analysis of backwash settings to maximize net water production in an engineering-scale ultrafiltration system for water reuse" in Journal of Water Process Engineering

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Virus rejection and removal in pilot-scale air-gap membrane distillation" in Water Research

Accomando, Christina H. 2023

"Entitlement, Backlash, and Feminist Resistance" in The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology

Accomando, Christina H. 2023

"Critical Race Theory and Multiethnic Literature of the United States" in A Companion to Multiethnic Literature of the United States

Aberson, Christopher L. 2023

"The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset" in Scientific Data

Abell, Jeffrey T. 2023

"Spatial and Temporal Variations of Microplastics within Humboldt Bay, California" in CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change

Abell, Jeffrey T. 2023

"Tidal, Geological, and Biological Impacts to Humboldt Bay's pH" in CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change

Abaya, Jason 2023

"Effects of exergaming on health and fitness outcomes for students with disabilities: a meta-analysis" in Theses and Projects

Abarca-Ruiz, Nayali 2023

"Al Caer La Noche La Mariposa Desvanece" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Abarca-Ruiz, Nayali 2023

"Luna Sleeping" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Abarca-Ruiz, Nayali 2023

"Fruit Salad" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos