Burkart, Patrick |
2023 |
"Getting to yes: An interview with Igor Vamos" in International Journal of Cultural Studies |
Benavides-Garb, Rosamel Segundo |
2023 |
"Brrr-brrr-brrr / Brrr-brrr-brrr" in Oaxaca y más allá, microrelatos bilingües del corazón / Oaxaca and beyond, bilingual microstories from the heart |
Heppe, Peter H. R. |
2023 |
"Impact of multidimensional perfectionism and self efficiency on adherence to behavior change among middle-aged women" in These and Projects |
Stelter, Kimberly |
2023 |
"Makerspace Cultivates Learning, Fosters Community at Cal Poly Humboldt" in Check Out the Library |
Wright, Micah |
2023 |
"Climate and air pollution impacts of generating biopower from forest management residues in California" in IOP Science |
Godlin-Sullivan, Ruth Amita E. |
2023 |
"Movement and Memory" in Toyon |
Stewart, Sean |
2023 |
"Insights into the conservation of the rare perennial herb, Astragalus applegatei" in Theses and Projects |
Brown, Richard N. |
2023 |
"Ecological Characteristics of Diurnal Rest Sites Used by Ringtails (Bassariscus astutus)" in Northwest Science |
Weller, Theodore J. |
2023 |
"Could white-nose syndrome manifest differently in Myotis lucifugus in western versus eastern regions of North America? A review of factors" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Hagen, Brianne N. |
2023 |
"The Discovery Adhocracy: Special Collections, Information Resource Management, and Scholarly Communications Departments Partnership" in Case Studies in Library Publishing |
Jones, Andrea |
2023 |
"Community Brochure for Open Door Community Health Centers" in ideaFest Poster |
Ortega, Justus D. |
2023 |
"Sport-Specific Recovery Trajectories for NCAA Collegiate Athletes Following Concussion" in Annals of Biomedical Engineering |
Cruz Lopez, Johana |
2023 |
"Beer-spoilage Bacterial Strains in Large and Small Corporations in Breweries" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology |
Moncheur de Rieudotte, Malcolm Prescott |
2023 |
"Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) in Rural California: Critical Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Aquilar, Adam |
2023 |
"Comparing Fish Species Assemblage Between Impacted and Restored Estuarine Salt Marshes within the Eel River Estuary, Humboldt County, CA" in Theses and Projects |
Boyce, Scott E. |
2023 |
"Using an Open-Source Tool to Develop a Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework of the Kobo Valley, Ethiopia" in Geosciences |
Fox, Stephen Carey |
2023 |
The End of Illusion: War & the Kaufmann Family |
Brennan, Leonard A. |
2023 |
"Evaluation of roost culling as a management strategy for reducing invasive rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) populations" in Biological Invasions |
Frost, Richard |
2023 |
"Genomics of Olea europaea cultivars" in Dataset |
Safran, Rebecca Jo |
2023 |
"Understanding Organisms Using Ecological Observatory Networks" in Integrative Organismal Biology |
Zeller, Peter K. |
2023 |
"Preimplantation genetic testing for neurobehavioral traits" in Theses and Projects |
Achilli, Andrea |
2023 |
"Fouling characterization and treatment of water reuse concentrate with membrane distillation: Do organics really matter" in Desalination |
Browne, Brandon L. |
2023 |
"Structure of shallow magma sources beneath Augustine Volcano (Alaska) inferred from local earthquake tomography" in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research |
Rodriguez, Luis Eduardo |
2023 |
"Una Vida Sin Mamá y Hermanos" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Uehling, Jessie K. |
2023 |
"A review of the material and mechanical properties of select Ganoderma fungi structures as a source for bioinspiration" in Journal of Materials Science |