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Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1442
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Burkart, Patrick 2023

"Getting to yes: An interview with Igor Vamos" in International Journal of Cultural Studies

Benavides-Garb, Rosamel Segundo 2023

"Brrr-brrr-brrr / Brrr-brrr-brrr" in Oaxaca y más allá, microrelatos bilingües del corazón / Oaxaca and beyond, bilingual microstories from the heart

Heppe, Peter H. R. 2023

"Impact of multidimensional perfectionism and self efficiency on adherence to behavior change among middle-aged women" in These and Projects

Stelter, Kimberly 2023

"Makerspace Cultivates Learning, Fosters Community at Cal Poly Humboldt" in Check Out the Library

Wright, Micah 2023

"Climate and air pollution impacts of generating biopower from forest management residues in California" in IOP Science

Godlin-Sullivan, Ruth Amita E. 2023

"Movement and Memory" in Toyon

Stewart, Sean 2023

"Insights into the conservation of the rare perennial herb, Astragalus applegatei" in Theses and Projects

Brown, Richard N. 2023

"Ecological Characteristics of Diurnal Rest Sites Used by Ringtails (Bassariscus astutus)" in Northwest Science

Weller, Theodore J. 2023

"Could white-nose syndrome manifest differently in Myotis lucifugus in western versus eastern regions of North America?  A review of factors" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Hagen, Brianne N. 2023

"The Discovery Adhocracy: Special Collections, Information Resource Management, and Scholarly Communications Departments Partnership" in Case Studies in Library Publishing

Jones, Andrea 2023

"Community Brochure for Open Door Community Health Centers" in ideaFest Poster

Ortega, Justus D. 2023

"Sport-Specific Recovery Trajectories for NCAA Collegiate Athletes Following Concussion" in Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Cruz Lopez, Johana 2023

"Beer-spoilage Bacterial Strains in Large and Small Corporations in Breweries" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology

Moncheur de Rieudotte, Malcolm Prescott 2023

"Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) in Rural California: Critical Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Aquilar, Adam 2023

"Comparing Fish Species Assemblage Between Impacted and Restored Estuarine Salt Marshes within the Eel River Estuary, Humboldt County, CA" in Theses and Projects

Boyce, Scott E. 2023

"Using an Open-Source Tool to Develop a Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework of the Kobo Valley, Ethiopia" in Geosciences

Fox, Stephen Carey 2023

The End of Illusion: War & the Kaufmann Family

Brennan, Leonard A. 2023

"Evaluation of roost culling as a management strategy for reducing invasive rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) populations" in Biological Invasions

Frost, Richard 2023

"Genomics of Olea europaea cultivars" in Dataset

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2023

"Understanding Organisms Using Ecological Observatory Networks" in Integrative Organismal Biology

Zeller, Peter K. 2023

"Preimplantation genetic testing for neurobehavioral traits" in Theses and Projects

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Fouling characterization and treatment of water reuse concentrate with membrane distillation: Do organics really matter" in Desalination

Browne, Brandon L. 2023

"Structure of shallow magma sources beneath Augustine Volcano (Alaska) inferred from local earthquake tomography" in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Rodriguez, Luis Eduardo 2023

"Una Vida Sin Mamá y Hermanos" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Uehling, Jessie K. 2023

"A review of the material and mechanical properties of select Ganoderma fungi structures as a source for bioinspiration" in Journal of Materials Science