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Displaying 76 - 100 of 1439
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Miller, Libbi R. 2023

"Co-Teaching in a Digital World" in Journal of Education Technology Systems

Healy, Sean 2023

"Evidence of item bias in a national flourishing measure for autistic youth" in Autism Research

Miller, Elisa 2023

"Postpartum Needs assessment in Humboldt County: Life after Birth" in ideaFest Posters

Lipiec, Mary 2023

"Nothing about us: three models of disability in three works of literary fiction" in Theses and Projects

Partida Smith, Colleen 2023

"Diffuse reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy is viable without fine milling" in Soil Security

Fedalizo, Haley 2023

"The Aftermath of Absence" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Borrayo, Jazmin 2023

"Biological Profiles: An analysis on the applicability and implications of traditional and new methods in forensic anthropology" in ideaFest Poster

Zald, Harold S.J. 2023

"Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire treatments" in Forest Ecology and Management

Cifelli, Victoria E. 2023

"An Ode to Oysters and their Herpes" in ideaFest Poster

Miglio, Maia 2023

"Humboldt County Homeless College Student - Photovoice Project" in ideaFest Poster

Anjewierden, Benjamin 2023

"Self-uncertainty and conservatism during the COVID-19 pandemic predict perceived threat and engagement in risky social behaviors" in Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

Jackson, Jr., Tom 2023

"College Matters: Commitment to students and community" in Times-Standard

Carter, David J. 2023

"Influence of Temperature, Feedstock and Moisture Content in a Continuous Feed Screw" in SSRN

Godlewski, Meg 2023

The Tomboys of Cherry Lane

Graham-Whitt, Julia 2023

"Gardening in the Gloom" in North Coast Journal

Tomaske, Madeline 2023

"Therapeutic blood-brain barrier modulation and stroke treatment by a bioengineered FZD4-selective WNT surrogate in mice" in Nature Communications

Benavides-Garb, Rosamel Segundo 2023

Oaxaca y más allá, microrelatos bilingües del corazón / Oaxaca and beyond, bilingual microstories from the heart

Reilly, Matthew J. 2023

"Too hot, too cold, or just right: Can wildfire restore dry forests of the interior Pacific Northwest?" in PLoS ONE

Author, Anonymous 2023

"Walnuts" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Straub, Darin 2023

"Mental Health - Medication Compliance in Corrections" in ideaFest Posters

Sinha, Nishaant Kumar 2023

"Technical and economic feasibility of a microgrid for a fire station in Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects

Ward, Darren M. 2023

"Modelling the reestablishment of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Klamath River tributaries after dam removal" in Ecology of Freshwater Fish

Torres Escalante, Melissa 2023

"Para Mi Papa, Que Sigue Viviendo En El Mar" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Frank, Alayna 2023

"Connecting Communities: Education and Resources for Humboldt County, California" in ideaFest Poster

Hecker, Lee J. 2023

"Behavioral habitat selection of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in boreal forests" in Mammal Research