Adams, Mark D. O. |
2021 |
"Changes in relationships between the US Forest Service and rural communities in the Northwest Forest Plan area amid declines in agency staffing" in Journal of Forestry |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"2-D Modeling to Understand the Design Configuration and Flow Dynamics of Pond-in-Pond (Pip) Wastewater Treatment System for Reuse" in Process Safety and Environmental Protection |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Water reuse and sustainability with a single pond-in-pond system" in American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Environmental sustainability in cement industry: An integrated approach for green and economical cement production" in Resources, Environment and Sustainability |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Mechanical and durability properties of portland limestone cement (PLC) incorporated with nano calcium carbonate (CaCO3)" in Materials |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Nano Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) as a Reliable, Durable, and Environment-Friendly Alternative to Diminishing Fly Ash" in Materials |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Water reuse and sustainability with a single pond-in-pond system" in 2021 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers |
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2021 |
"Selected Financial Applications" in The Mathematica Journal |
Adsit, Janelle |
2021 |
“#RepresentationMatters: Literary Journals, Editorial Courses, and Equity in the Publishing Industry” in From Practice to Print: Creative Writing Scholars on the Publishing Trade |
Afentoulis, Virginia |
2023 |
"Fish Facilities Salvage Data from 1993-2021" in Datasets |
Aghasaleh, Rouhollah |
2021 |
Children and Mother Nature, Storytelling for a Globalized Environmental Pedagogy |
Aguirre, Brenda |
2021 |
"Our Pandemic - adjusted Lives" in Humboldt Geographic |
Aikhuele, Jimento |
2021 |
"Requirements and Guidelines for Installation of Off-Grid Solar Systems for Public Facilities" in World Bank's Lighting Africa Program |
Alcaraz, Destiny |
2021 |
"The Beautiful Body Project" in ideaFest Poster |
Allen, Jack |
2021 |
"Contact, threat, and prejudice: A test of intergroup threat theory across three samples and multiple measures of prejudice" in Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology |
Allen, Riley Sanae |
2021 |
"Laboratory to landscape: mycorestoration" in Theses and Projects |
Allen, Stephen P. |
2021 |
"Load Carriage During Walking Increases Dynamic Stiffness at Distal Lower Limb Joints" in Journal of Applied Biomechanics |
Alowaysi, Maryam T. |
2021 |
"Generation of an iPSC cohort of isogenic iPSC lines (46-XY and 47-XXY) from a non-mosaic Klinefelter Syndrome patient (47-XXY) (KAUSTi008-A, KAUSTi008-B, KAUSTi008-C, KAUSTi008-D, KAUSTi008-E, KAUSTi008-F, KAUSTi008-G)" in Stem Cell Research |
Alowaysi, Maryam T. |
2021 |
"Generation of iPSC lines (KAUSTi011-A, KAUSTi011-B) from a Saudi patient with epileptic encephalopathy carrying homozygous mutation in the GLP1R gene" in Stem Cell Research |
Alowaysi, Maryam T. |
2022 |
"Pseudoautosomal Region 1 Overdosage Affects the Global Transcriptome in iPSCs From Patients With Klinefelter Syndrome and High-Grade X Chromosome Aneuploidies" in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology |
Alstone, Peter |
2021 |
"Toward Carbon-Free Hot Water and Industrial Heat with Efficient and Flexible Heat Pumps" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Amador, Ashley |
2021 |
"Comparative Analysis of Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin in Nanodiscs Containing Various Lipids" in ideaFest Poster |
Amador, Liliana |
2021 |
"On-Campus Student Physical Activity and Community Explooration During COVID-19" in ideaFest Poster |
Amador, Liliana |
2021 |
"Wayfinding Pilot project" in ideaFest Poster |
Amador, Liliana |
2021 |
"Wayfinder" in ideaFest Poster |