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Displaying 251 - 275 of 1658
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Janecek, Jessica 2021

"John Casali "I Wouldn't Trade My Journey for the World" in Humboldt Geographic

Adams, David 2021

"To Determine the Impact of Verbal Prompting and Positive Reinforcement on the Total Number of Off-Task Behaviors Demonstrated by a Student with Other Health Impairment" in ideaFest Poster

Gadberry, Alyssa 2021

"To Determine the Impact of Verbal Prompting and Positive Reinforcement on the Total Number of Off-Task Behaviors Demonstrated by a Student with Other Health Impairment" in ideaFest Poster

Stehly, Nick 2021

"The Metaphysics of Species" in Humboldt Geographic

Schmitt, Otto 2021

"Early Career Opportunities for Humboldt Geographers" in Humboldt Geographic

Ibanez, Keegan 2021

"Surviving the Apple Fire" in Humboldt Geographic

Holen, Alexandria M. 2021

"Alexandria Holen & Martin Moreno Interviewing Abby Miller" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Moreno, Martin F. 2021

"Alexandria Holen & Martin Moreno Interviewing Abby Miller" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Khechfe, Andreas 2021

"Effects of Beaver Dam Analogs on stream channel complexity and overbank flow recurrence on McGarvey Creek (Del Norte County, CA)" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Stone, Michelle E. 2021

"Humboldt in Time of Covid: Megan Atherton" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Holper, David 2021

"Bord för En" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Evans, Jeremy 2021

"Planning for Sea Level Rise at AWWTP" in ideaFest Poster

Page, Aren 2021

"Planning for Sea Level Rise at AWWTP" in ideaFest Poster

Dedmore, Caleb 2021

"Planning for Sea Level Rise at AWWTP" in ideaFest Poster

Mosburg, Jennifer 2021

"Humboldt In the time of Covid-19 - Oral History from Sean Dunne" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Mosburg, Jennifer 2021

"Humboldt in the time of Covid-19 - Kiera Price on the Pandemic" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Mosburg, Jennifer 2021

"Humboldt in the time of Covid-19 - Meghan Burkert on the Pandemic" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Miller, Rebecca 2021

"Ciara Emery at the Humboldt Library Foundation" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Kallison, Eli R. 2021

"A Review of the Contributions by Lichen to Building Soil" in ideaFest Journal

Hughes, Phoebe 2021

"Effects of Redwood Bark and Leaf Leachate on Different Lichen Populations Found Within the Redwood Forest of Arcata, CA" in ideaFest Journal

Harris, Courtney Michelle 2021

"Effects of Redwood Bark and Leaf Leachate on Different Lichen Populations Found Within the Redwood Forest of Arcata, CA" in ideaFest Journal

Pazeian, Michael H. 2021

"Ray Cesaretti: Chosin Reservoir, Korean War" in ideaFest Journal

Pruhsmeier, Holli Nicole 2021

"Combined Use of Data From Avian Surveys Along the Pacific Crest Trail With Biodiversity Repositories to Model Habitat Suitability Throughout Northern California" in ideaFest Journal

Pachmayer, Ara 2021

"Cannabis Tourism and the Community: Resident Attitudes in Humboldt County, California" in ideaFest Journal

Reilly, Shawn 2021

"Cannabis Tourism and the Community: Resident Attitudes in Humboldt County, California" in ideaFest Journal