Teale, Chelsea L |
2020 |
“Views Of Nature” in Pennsylvania Geographer
Taylor-Walker, Caitlyn |
2020 |
"Willow Creek, California Tourism Analysis" in Open Educational Resources and Data |
Tavakoli Ardakani, Aida |
2020 |
"Jacoby Creek Site Inventory Assessment and Management Recommendations for Parcel 502-052-022" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Tatian-Burger, Robert |
2020 |
"Stakeholder Analysis Related to Sea Level Rise Adaptation and Planning for the Eureka-Arcata 101 Corridor" in Theses and Projects |
Tague, Auston |
2020 |
"Management Recommendations for Jacoby Creek Land Trust’s Off-Channel Pond Site at the Kotke Ranch and Nature Preserve" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2020 |
"New records of the critically endangered Ecuadorian white-fronted capuchin (Cebus aequatorialis) detected by camera traps" in Primates |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2020 |
"The Curse Of Observer Experience: Error In Noninvasive Genetic Sampling" in PLOS ONE |
Szewczak, Joseph M. |
2020 |
"River food chains lead to riparian bats and birds in two mid-order rivers" in Ecosphere |
Szewczak, Joseph M. |
2020 |
"Use of Bioacoustics Monitoring Systems in Wildlife Research in The Wildlife Techniques Manual |
Swan, Isabella |
2020 |
“Harm Reduction Approaches for Alcohol and Other Drugs Used at Humboldt State University” in ideaFest Poster |
Svarc, Jerry |
2020 |
"Magma Intrusion and Volatile Ascent Beneath Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth |
Sutter, Michael |
2020 |
"Using environmental DNA and occupancy modelling to estimate rangewide metapopulation dynamics" in Molecular Ecology |
Suoja, Jessica R. |
2020 |
“Ramorum Leaf Blight Reduces Leaf-Level Productivity in Tanoak (Notholithocarpus Densiflorus) and California Bay (Umbellularia Californica)” in ideaFest Poster |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2020 |
"Revisiting technology and flow: A call for an alternative perspective and directions for the future" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2020 |
"Technological metaworlds in travel" in Information Technology and Tourism |
Stubblefield, Andrew P. |
2020 |
"Sedimentation and Erosion Patterns within Anabranching Channels in a Lowland River Restoration Project" in International Journal of River Basin Management |
Streator, Nayshia |
2020 |
“Finding Community on Campus: African American Center for Academic Excellence” in Redwood Roots
Strauss, Maya |
2020 |
“Kero Kattto” in Redwood Roots
Stowell, Cecilia |
2020 |
“A Boy and His Tree” in Celebrating Writers and Writing in Our Communities
Stock, Gregory M. |
2020 |
Rock Strength Properties of Granitic Rocks in Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2020 |
"A new data set of granitic rock strength values from Yosemite Valley, California: Applications to rock fall assessment" in 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2020 |
"Quantifying 40 years of rockfall activity in Yosemite Valley with historical Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning" in Geomorphology |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2020 |
"Surface Exposure Dating and Geophysical Tomography of the Royal Arches Meadow Rock Avalanche, Yosemite Valley, California" in Frontiers in Earth Science |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2020 |
"Opportunities and challenges for restoration of the Merced River through Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, USA" in River Research and Applications |
Stewart, Sintra M. |
2020 |
“Investigation of the Ubiquitin Proteasome’s Role in Tau Proteostasis and Tauopathy as Regulated by Cholesteryl Esters” in ideaFest Poster |