Kinziger, Andrew P. |
2020 |
“Genomic Islands Of Divergence Infer A Phenotypic Landscape In Pacific Lamprey” in Molecular Ecology
Graham, James J. |
2020 |
Humboldt State University/Cal Poly Humboldt Web Map |
Lang, Julian |
2020 |
"Creating new speakers in a new decade" in News from Native California |
Kinziger, Andrew P. |
2020 |
"Sharing and reporting benefits from biodiversity research" in Molecular Ecology |
Tygar, Luke |
2020 |
“More Than a Store: Culture and Food in Hoopa Valley” in Redwood Roots
Graham, James J. |
2020 |
"Salmonid Habitat and Population Capacity Estimates for Steelhead Trout and Chinook Salmon Upstream of Scott Dam in the Eel River, California" in Northwest Science |
Gant, Jonathan I. |
2020 |
"Distinct kinesin motors drive two types of maize neocentromeres" in Genes & Development |
Crawford, Brandon |
2020 |
"High-resolution surface topographic change analyses to characterize a series of underground explosions" in Remote Sensing of Environment |
Severy, Mark |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Description of Study Assumptions" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
DeSiervo, Melissa H. |
2020 |
"Consumer–resource dynamics in Arctic ponds" in Ecology |
Cheli, Maia |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Exploring the Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy for the California North Coast A summary report of the 2020 webinar series" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Colwell, Mark A. |
2020 |
"Habitat restoration improves western snowy plover nest survival" in Wader Study |
Chow, Marina |
2020 |
"Trinidad State Beach Habitat Restoration Plan" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Kontos, Anthony P. |
2020 |
"Concussion Symptom Cutoffs for Identification and Prognosis of Sports-Related Concussion: Role of Time Since Injury" in The American Journal of Sports Medicine |
Overington, Joshua K. |
2020 |
“Exploitation, Fear and Restitution: The Story of Tuluwat Today” in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations
Zoellick, James |
2020 |
"Resilient buildings for fire-adapted landscapes: EE and flexible loads integrated with solar and storage microgrids" in LBL Publications |
Berge, Shannon |
2020 |
“How Working an On-Campus, Part-Time Job Can Improve Retention Rates Among Racially Minoritized Students Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree” in ideaFest Posters |
Reeves, Arvel |
2020 |
“Community Geography: A Partnership Between HSU Students and the Humboldt Community” in Redwood Roots |
Swan, Isabella |
2020 |
“Harm Reduction Approaches for Alcohol and Other Drugs Used at Humboldt State University” in ideaFest Poster |
Quinn-Davidson, Lenya N. |
2020 |
"Pyrosilviculture: Combining prescribed fire with gap-based silviculture in mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research |
Collette, Joshua M. |
2020 |
"Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults" in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity |
Adel, Daniel |
2020 |
“Living Rivers, Cosmopolitan Activism, and Environmental Justice in the Bengal Delta” in Theses and Projects |
Santos, Emily A. |
2020 |
“Age-Specific and Species-Specific Tree Response to Seasonal Drought in Tropical Dry Forests” in Theses and Projects |
Jacobson, Arne E. |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Ackerman, James D. |
2020 |
"Small Populations on Small Islands: What Chance Does an Orchid Have?" in International Journal of Plant Sciences |