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Displaying 201 - 225 of 1813
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Kinziger, Andrew P. 2020

Genomic Islands Of Divergence Infer A Phenotypic Landscape In Pacific Lamprey” in Molecular Ecology

Graham, James J. 2020

Humboldt State University/Cal Poly Humboldt Web Map

Lang, Julian 2020

"Creating new speakers in a new decade" in News from Native California

Kinziger, Andrew P. 2020

"Sharing and reporting benefits from biodiversity research" in Molecular Ecology

Tygar, Luke 2020

More Than a Store: Culture and Food in Hoopa Valley” in Redwood Roots

Graham, James J. 2020

"Salmonid Habitat and Population Capacity Estimates for Steelhead Trout and Chinook Salmon Upstream of Scott Dam in the Eel River, California" in Northwest Science

Gant, Jonathan I. 2020

"Distinct kinesin motors drive two types of maize neocentromeres" in Genes & Development

Crawford, Brandon 2020

"High-resolution surface topographic change analyses to characterize a series of underground explosions" in Remote Sensing of Environment

Severy, Mark 2020

"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Description of Study Assumptions" in Schatz Energy Research Center

DeSiervo, Melissa H. 2020

"Consumer–resource dynamics in Arctic ponds" in Ecology

Cheli, Maia 2020

"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Exploring the Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy for the California North Coast A summary report of the 2020 webinar series" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Colwell, Mark A. 2020

"Habitat restoration improves western snowy plover nest survival" in Wader Study

Chow, Marina 2020

"Trinidad State Beach Habitat Restoration Plan" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Kontos, Anthony P. 2020

"Concussion Symptom Cutoffs for Identification and Prognosis of Sports-Related Concussion: Role of Time Since Injury" in The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Overington, Joshua K. 2020

Exploitation, Fear and Restitution: The Story of Tuluwat Today” in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Zoellick, James 2020

"Resilient buildings for fire-adapted landscapes: EE and flexible loads integrated with solar and storage microgrids" in LBL Publications

Berge, Shannon 2020

How Working an On-Campus, Part-Time Job Can Improve Retention Rates Among Racially Minoritized Students Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree” in ideaFest Posters

Reeves, Arvel 2020

Community Geography: A Partnership Between HSU Students and the Humboldt Community” in Redwood Roots

Swan, Isabella 2020

Harm Reduction Approaches for Alcohol and Other Drugs Used at Humboldt State University” in ideaFest Poster

Quinn-Davidson, Lenya N. 2020

"Pyrosilviculture: Combining prescribed fire with gap-based silviculture in mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Collette, Joshua M. 2020

"Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults" in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity

Adel, Daniel 2020

Living Rivers, Cosmopolitan Activism, and Environmental Justice in the Bengal Delta” in Theses and Projects

Santos, Emily A. 2020

Age-Specific and Species-Specific Tree Response to Seasonal Drought in Tropical Dry Forests” in Theses and Projects

Jacobson, Arne E. 2020

"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Ackerman, James D. 2020

"Small Populations on Small Islands: What Chance Does an Orchid Have?" in International Journal of Plant Sciences