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Displaying 51 - 75 of 1810
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Woglom, James F. 2020

A Celebration of Art, Education, and Partnerships with Local Schools” in ideaFest Posters

Wingett, Monica 2020

Road Tripping the Roof of the World” in Humboldt Geographic

Windsor, Justin 2020

 “Apparent Survival of Snowy Plovers Varies Across Years and Between Sexes in Coastal Northern California” in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Josh 2020

 “A Review of the Evidence Supporting Play-Based Learning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Carol A. 2010

"Movements and Fledging Success of Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) Chicks" in Waterbirds

Willis, Wendy Cristina 2020

Political Ecology Of Shade Coffee: Perspectives From Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers” in Conservation and Society

Williamshen, Jasmine S. 2020

"Responses of macroinvertebrate drift concentration to pulse flow releases downstream of Lewiston Dam on the Trinity River, CA" in CABW/CalSFS Annual Meeting

Williams, Todd B. 2020

A Systematic Mapping Study of Innovative Cloud Applications" in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Williams, Savannah 2020

Differences in Algal, Gastropod, and Arthropod Coverage Surrounding Pisaster Ochraceus and Other Asteroids in Humboldt County, California” in ideaFest Journal

Williams, Eugene 2020

Relapse Prevention/Substance Use Disorder” in Redwood Roots

Williams, Cameron B. 2020

"Differences in epiphyte biomass and community composition along landscape and within‐crown spatial scales" in Biotropica

Williams, Cameron B. 2020

"Vascular epiphytes show low physiological resistance and high recovery capacity to episodic, short‐term drought in Monteverde, Costa Rica" in Functional Ecology

Wilkerson, Kellie 2020

Skill Development and the Making of the Global Citizen: An Analysis of Student Experiences with Study Abroad at Humboldt State University” in Theses and Projects

Wijesundara, Jessica G. 2020

"The ‘Take a Break’ game: Randomized trial protocol for a technology-assisted brief abstinence experience designed to engage lower-motivated smokers" in Contemporary Clinical Trials

Wijesundara, Jessica G. 2020

"Electronic Health Record Portal Messages and Interactive Voice Response Calls to Improve Rates of Early Season Influenza Vaccination: Randomized Controlled Trial" in Journal of Medical Internet Research

Wicklund, Mark 2020

"Is English resumption different in appositive relative clauses?" in Canadian Journal of Linguistics

Whitworth, Darrell L. 2020

"At-sea congregation surveys to assess the status of Scripps’s Murrelets Synthliboramphus scrippsi at islands off western Baja California, Mexico in 2002−2008" in Marine Ornithology

Whitney, Cheyenne Gillett 2020

"Arts Education Now and in the Future During COVID-19" in Arts Education Partnership

Whitford, Malachi D. 2020

"The Effects of Temperature on the Kinematics of Rattlesnake Predatory Strikes in Both Captive and Field Environments" in Integrative Organismal Biology

Whitford, Malachi D. 2020

"The effects of temperature on the defensive strikes of rattlesnakes" in Journal of Experimental Biology

White, Sherri-Le 1978

"Histological and Histochemical Techniques Applied to the Rhodophylloid Fungi" in Mycologia

White, Kimberly N. 2020

"Equitable and Inclusive Practices Designed to Reduce Equity Gaps in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses" in Journal of Chemical Education

Weymouth, Lindsay A. 2020

"Cognitively-Based Compassion Training for parents reduces cortisol in infants and young children" in Infant Mental Health Journal

Weymouth, Lindsay A. 2020

"Fathers in Jail and their Minor Children: Paternal Characteristics and Associations with Father-Child Contact" in Journal of Child and Family Studies

Weymouth, Lindsay A. 2021

"Wisconsin School Wellness Policies after Federal Legislation Change: Understanding Key Mechanisms of Policy Improvement" in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics