Woglom, James F. |
2020 |
“A Celebration of Art, Education, and Partnerships with Local Schools” in ideaFest Posters |
Wingett, Monica |
2020 |
“Road Tripping the Roof of the World” in Humboldt Geographic |
Windsor, Justin |
2020 |
“Apparent Survival of Snowy Plovers Varies Across Years and Between Sexes in Coastal Northern California” in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Josh |
2020 |
“A Review of the Evidence Supporting Play-Based Learning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Carol A. |
2010 |
"Movements and Fledging Success of Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) Chicks" in Waterbirds |
Willis, Wendy Cristina |
2020 |
“Political Ecology Of Shade Coffee: Perspectives From Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers” in Conservation and Society |
Williamshen, Jasmine S. |
2020 |
"Responses of macroinvertebrate drift concentration to pulse flow releases downstream of Lewiston Dam on the Trinity River, CA" in CABW/CalSFS Annual Meeting |
Williams, Todd B. |
2020 |
A Systematic Mapping Study of Innovative Cloud Applications" in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
Williams, Savannah |
2020 |
“Differences in Algal, Gastropod, and Arthropod Coverage Surrounding Pisaster Ochraceus and Other Asteroids in Humboldt County, California” in ideaFest Journal |
Williams, Eugene |
2020 |
“Relapse Prevention/Substance Use Disorder” in Redwood Roots
Williams, Cameron B. |
2020 |
"Differences in epiphyte biomass and community composition along landscape and within‐crown spatial scales" in Biotropica |
Williams, Cameron B. |
2020 |
"Vascular epiphytes show low physiological resistance and high recovery capacity to episodic, short‐term drought in Monteverde, Costa Rica" in Functional Ecology |
Wilkerson, Kellie |
2020 |
“Skill Development and the Making of the Global Citizen: An Analysis of Student Experiences with Study Abroad at Humboldt State University” in Theses and Projects |
Wijesundara, Jessica G. |
2020 |
"The ‘Take a Break’ game: Randomized trial protocol for a technology-assisted brief abstinence experience designed to engage lower-motivated smokers" in Contemporary Clinical Trials |
Wijesundara, Jessica G. |
2020 |
"Electronic Health Record Portal Messages and Interactive Voice Response Calls to Improve Rates of Early Season Influenza Vaccination: Randomized Controlled Trial" in Journal of Medical Internet Research |
Wicklund, Mark |
2020 |
"Is English resumption different in appositive relative clauses?" in Canadian Journal of Linguistics |
Whitworth, Darrell L. |
2020 |
"At-sea congregation surveys to assess the status of Scripps’s Murrelets Synthliboramphus scrippsi at islands off western Baja California, Mexico in 2002−2008" in Marine Ornithology |
Whitney, Cheyenne Gillett |
2020 |
"Arts Education Now and in the Future During COVID-19" in Arts Education Partnership |
Whitford, Malachi D. |
2020 |
"The Effects of Temperature on the Kinematics of Rattlesnake Predatory Strikes in Both Captive and Field Environments" in Integrative Organismal Biology |
Whitford, Malachi D. |
2020 |
"The effects of temperature on the defensive strikes of rattlesnakes" in Journal of Experimental Biology |
White, Sherri-Le |
1978 |
"Histological and Histochemical Techniques Applied to the Rhodophylloid Fungi" in Mycologia |
White, Kimberly N. |
2020 |
"Equitable and Inclusive Practices Designed to Reduce Equity Gaps in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses" in Journal of Chemical Education |
Weymouth, Lindsay A. |
2020 |
"Cognitively-Based Compassion Training for parents reduces cortisol in infants and young children" in Infant Mental Health Journal |
Weymouth, Lindsay A. |
2020 |
"Fathers in Jail and their Minor Children: Paternal Characteristics and Associations with Father-Child Contact" in Journal of Child and Family Studies |
Weymouth, Lindsay A. |
2021 |
"Wisconsin School Wellness Policies after Federal Legislation Change: Understanding Key Mechanisms of Policy Improvement" in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |