Adel, Daniel |
2020 |
“Living Rivers, Cosmopolitan Activism, and Environmental Justice in the Bengal Delta” in Theses and Projects |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2020 |
"Pond-In-Pond: an alternative system for wastewater treatment for reuse" in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2020 |
"Water sustainability using pond-in-pond wastewater treatment system: Case studies" in Journal of Water Process Engineering |
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2020 |
“Comovement In The Commodity Futures Markets: An Analysis Of The Energy, Grains and Livestock Sectors" in Journal of Commodity Markets
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2020 |
"Robust optimization-based commodity portfolio performance" in International Journal of Financial Studies |
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2020 |
"Foundations of Computational Finance" in The Mathematica Journal |
Adsit, Janelle |
2020 |
“Borders Crossed: A Nationwide Survey On The Influence Of Rhetorical Theory On Creative Writing" in Pedagogy |
Adsit, Janelle |
2020 |
"Big Read Humboldt!" in Check Out the Library |
Adsit, Janelle |
2020 |
“Educating the Faculty Writer to ‘Dance With Resistance’: An Affective Rhetorical Analysis of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity” in The Things We Carry: Strategies for Recognizing and Negotiating Emotional Labor in Writing Program Administration |
Afridi, Lillian |
2020 |
"Speak Up!" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in Our Communities |
Aigner, Carrie J. |
2020 |
“Examining Stigma as a Predictor of Formal vs Informal Help-Seeking among College Students” in ideaFest Poster |
Aigner, Carrie J. |
2020 |
“Extracurricular Activities And Bullying Among Children And Adolescents With Disabilities” in Maternal & Child Health Journal |
Aigner, Carrie J. |
2020 |
"Impact of weight and disability status on bullying victimisation and perpetration among youth" in Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health |
Aikhuele, Jimento |
2021 |
"Requirements and Guidelines for Installation of Off-Grid Solar Systems for Public Facilities" in World Bank's Lighting Africa Program |
Alberto, Brittani |
2015 |
"Humboldt Hindsight is 2020: Life in Humboldt County" in Library Student Projects |
Alberto, William |
2020 |
“Lumbar Discectomy - Treatment - Recovery - Rehabilitation Programing” in ideaFest Posters |
Allen, Mark A. |
1986 |
"Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest)--chinook salmon" in Fish & Wildlife Service Biological Report |
Allen, Stephen P. |
2020 |
"Differences in postural sway among healthy adults are associated with the ability to perform steady contractions with leg muscles" in Experimental Brain Research |
Allen, Stephen P. |
2020 |
"Steep (30°) uphill walking vs. running: COM movements, stride kinematics, and leg muscle excitations" in European Journal of Applied Physiology |
Allen, Stephen P. |
2021 |
"Load Carriage During Walking Increases Dynamic Stiffness at Distal Lower Limb Joints" in Journal of Applied Biomechanics |
Almeida, Lauren |
2019 |
“Positive Affirmations From a Stranger” in The World "The way we saw it" |
Alowaysi, Maryam T. |
2020 |
"Generation of two iPSC lines (KAUSTi001-A, KAUSTi002-A) from a rare high-grade Klinefelter Syndrome patient (49-XXXXY) carrying a balanced translocation t(4,11) (q35,q23)" in Stem Cell Research |
Alowaysi, Maryam T. |
2020 |
"Establishment of iPSC lines from a high-grade Klinefelter Syndrome patient (49-XXXXY) and two genetically matched healthy relatives (KAUSTi003-A, KAUSTi004-A, KAUSTi004-B, KAUSTi005-A, KAUSTi005-B, KAUSTi005-C)" in Stem Cell Research |
Alowaysi, Maryam T. |
2020 |
"Derivation of two naturally isogenic iPSC lines (KAUSTi006-A and KAUSTi006-B) from a mosaic Klinefelter Syndrome patient (47-XXY/46-XY)" in Stem Cell Research |
Alowaysi, Maryam T. |
2020 |
"Establishment of an iPSC cohort from three unrelated 47-XXY Klinefelter Syndrome patients (KAUSTi007-A, KAUSTi007-B, KAUSTi009-A, KAUSTi009-B, KAUSTi010-A, KAUSTi010-B)" in Stem Cell Research |