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Displaying 1001 - 1025 of 1756
Author Year Publications
McGath, Nena 2019

"Developmental disruptions and substance use in an emerging adult sample" in Theses and Projects

McGath, Nena 2019

"Ethnic Differences in Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Role of Childhood Socioeconomic Status" in ideaFest Poster

McGuigan, Nathaniel 2019

"Family Tradition" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

McIntire, Lily 2019

"The Effects of Elevated Temperatures on Gumboot Chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri) Grazing Performance and Thermoregulation Efficiency" in Theses and Projects

McLaughlin, Cassady 2019

"The role of encoding specificity in incidental learning: Implications for explicit and implicit false memories" in Theses and Projects

McLaughlin, Cassady 2019

"The Role of Encoding Specificity in Incidental Learning: Implications for Explicit and Implicit False Memories" in ideaFest Poster

McLintock, Ryan 2019

"Assessment of UV Light for the Treatment of Cyanotoxins in Small-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Systems" in Theses and Projects

McNamara, Bret Anthony 2019

"Post-fire fuel succession in a rare California, USA, closed-cone conifer" in Fire Ecology

McNamara, Bret Anthony 2019

"Strong dispersal limitation in postfire regeneration of Baker cypress, a rare serotinous conifer" in American Journal of Botany

McNamara, Kyle D. 2019

"The effects of substituent position and orientation on the structures and dipole moments of the cyanocyclohexanes using density functional theory calculations" in Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

Meadows, Marc 2019

"Semaphorin 3A induces acute changes in membrane excitability in spiral ganglion neurons in vitro" in The European journal of neuroscience

Medina, Jennifer 2019

"Reassurance" in The World "The way we saw it"

Medina, Rachel 2019

"Reusable for Waste Prevention" in ideaFest Posters

Meighan, Reanne 2019

"Lumberjack Newspaper Digitization Project" in Library Student Projects

Meisel, Joshua S. 2019

"Eliminate restrictions preventing cannabis research" in Policy Options

Meisel, Joshua S. 2019

"Negative Experiences with Cannabis Edibles: Results from a U.S. Panel Survey" in International Society for the Study of Drug Policy

Melendez, Suzanne 2021

"Analysis of 2019 revegetation success rate and recommendations for further management at Cock Robin Island restoration site" in ideaFest Presentation

Melgoza, Jessica 2019

"A Reflection of Time" in The World "The way we saw it"

Mellot, Adam 2019

"Lumberjack Newspaper Digitization Project" in Library Student Projects

Mena, Rudolph 2019

"Targeting Social Cohesion in Female Roosevelt elk (cervus canadensis roosevelti) Groups Minimizes Survey Efforts for Fecal dna Capture-Recapture Estimates of Abundance" in Theses and Projects

Mendez, Jaz 2019

"Predicting Support for Atypical Leaders Under Conditions of Uncertainty" in ideaFest Poster

Mendia, Shannon M. 2019

"Ecosystem services and disservices of bear foraging on managed timberlands" in Ecosphere

Mendle-Nickle, Amaya M. 2019

"Universal Harmony" in The World "The way we saw it"

Meyer, John Mark 2019

“Engaging the Everyday: Sustainability as Resonance” in Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance

Meyer, John Mark 2019

"Vocations of (environmental) political theory in the Anthropocene" in Rethinking the Environment for the Anthropocene: Political Theory and Socionatural Relations in the New Geological Epoch