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Displaying 926 - 950 of 1756
Author Year Publications
Mah, Christopher L. 2019

"The Derwent River seastar: re-evaluation of a critically endangered marine invertebrate" in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Maher, Tiffany 2019

"The Effects of Social Media in the Overall Job Satisfaction of School Administrators" in Theses and Projects

Mahmood, Saahirah 2019

"A Love Created Through Time" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Mahoney, Sean M. 2019

"Selection for genetics‐based architecture traits in a native cottonwood negatively affects invasive tamarisk in a restoration field trial" in Restoration Ecology

Mahoney, Sean M. 2019

"Russian olive habitat along an arid river supports fewer bird species, functional groups and a different species composition relative to mixed vegetation habitats" in Journal of Arid Environments

Maibach, Edward 2019

"Does ‘When’ really feel more certain than ‘If’? Two failures to replicate Ballard and Lewandowsky (2015)" in Royal Society Open Science

Maldonado, Maria 2019

"Perception" in The World "The way we saw it"

Malekos, Eric 2019

"Application of the Abel Transform in Galaxy Visualization" in INRSEP Research Poster

Mallory, Kerri 2019

"Reparations, Reconciliation and Restitution: an in-depth look at local Native history on Indian Island" in ideaFest Posters

Malloy, Kerri J. 2019

"In Plain Sight but Unseen: Healing in Northwestern California" in Building Sustainable Peace: Ideas, Evidence, Strategies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Malloy, Kerri J. 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Malloy, Kerri J. 2019

"Review of Phenomena of Power: Authority, Domination, and Violence" in Genocide Studies and Prevention

Maloney, Troy 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in AAS Meeting

Maloney, Troy 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in ideaFest Journal

Maloney, Troy 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in INRSEP Research Posters

Mandell, Paul 2019

"Effects of a race timer on the three minute all-out test for critical power" in Theses and Projects

Mandon, Kayman 2019

"River Sounds" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Manor, Sonja 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Marak, Louie 2019

"The Theory" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Marchand, Geneviève 2019

"Participation in the Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge, Place Attachment, and Well-Being" in Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership

Marchand, Geneviève 2019

"Implementation of Project CHASE (Children with Autism Supported to Exercise): A Facebook-Delivered, Parent-Mediated Physical Activity Intervention" in PALAESTRA

Marchand, Geneviève 2019

"Outdoor Industry Credential: Exploring Perspectives Within the Profession" in Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership

Marchand, Geneviève 2020

The Feasibility Of Project Chase: A Facebook-Delivered, Parent-Mediated Physical Activity Intervention For Children With Autism” in International Journal of Disability, Development & Education

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"Mangroves in the Galapagos: Ecosystem services and their valuation" in Ecological Economics

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"Heavy metals contamination in the Gulf of Guayaquil: Even limited data reflect environmental impacts from anthropogenic activity" in Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental