Mah, Christopher L. |
2019 |
"The Derwent River seastar: re-evaluation of a critically endangered marine invertebrate" in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Maher, Tiffany |
2019 |
"The Effects of Social Media in the Overall Job Satisfaction of School Administrators" in Theses and Projects |
Mahmood, Saahirah |
2019 |
"A Love Created Through Time" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Mahoney, Sean M. |
2019 |
"Selection for genetics‐based architecture traits in a native cottonwood negatively affects invasive tamarisk in a restoration field trial" in Restoration Ecology |
Mahoney, Sean M. |
2019 |
"Russian olive habitat along an arid river supports fewer bird species, functional groups and a different species composition relative to mixed vegetation habitats" in Journal of Arid Environments |
Maibach, Edward |
2019 |
"Does ‘When’ really feel more certain than ‘If’? Two failures to replicate Ballard and Lewandowsky (2015)" in Royal Society Open Science |
Maldonado, Maria |
2019 |
"Perception" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Malekos, Eric |
2019 |
"Application of the Abel Transform in Galaxy Visualization" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Mallory, Kerri |
2019 |
"Reparations, Reconciliation and Restitution: an in-depth look at local Native history on Indian Island" in ideaFest Posters |
Malloy, Kerri J. |
2019 |
"In Plain Sight but Unseen: Healing in Northwestern California" in Building Sustainable Peace: Ideas, Evidence, Strategies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies |
Malloy, Kerri J. |
2019 |
"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice |
Malloy, Kerri J. |
2019 |
"Review of Phenomena of Power: Authority, Domination, and Violence" in Genocide Studies and Prevention |
Maloney, Troy |
2019 |
"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in AAS Meeting |
Maloney, Troy |
2019 |
"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in ideaFest Journal |
Maloney, Troy |
2019 |
"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in INRSEP Research Posters |
Mandell, Paul |
2019 |
"Effects of a race timer on the three minute all-out test for critical power" in Theses and Projects |
Mandon, Kayman |
2019 |
"River Sounds" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Manor, Sonja |
2019 |
"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice |
Marak, Louie |
2019 |
"The Theory" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Marchand, Geneviève |
2019 |
"Participation in the Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge, Place Attachment, and Well-Being" in Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership |
Marchand, Geneviève |
2019 |
"Implementation of Project CHASE (Children with Autism Supported to Exercise): A Facebook-Delivered, Parent-Mediated Physical Activity Intervention" in PALAESTRA |
Marchand, Geneviève |
2019 |
"Outdoor Industry Credential: Exploring Perspectives Within the Profession" in Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership |
Marchand, Geneviève |
2020 |
“The Feasibility Of Project Chase: A Facebook-Delivered, Parent-Mediated Physical Activity Intervention For Children With Autism” in International Journal of Disability, Development & Education |
Marín-Jarrín, José R. |
2019 |
"Mangroves in the Galapagos: Ecosystem services and their valuation" in Ecological Economics |
Marín-Jarrín, José R. |
2019 |
"Heavy metals contamination in the Gulf of Guayaquil: Even limited data reflect environmental impacts from anthropogenic activity" in Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental |