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Displaying 1701 - 1725 of 1770
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Sowle, Jennifer 2019

Sdani White Wings

Hahn, Amanda C. 2019

"A data-driven study of Chinese participants' social judgments of Chinese faces" in PLOS ONE

Morgan, Kyle 2019

The World "The way we saw it" Spring 2019

Hodge, Emily 2019

"Words" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Dengler, Lori A. 2019

"Remembering 1906: social connections as important as building strength" in Times-Standard

Perryman, Holly Ann 2019

"Ecological Effects and Ecosystem Shifts Caused by Mass Mortality Events on Early Life Stages of Fish" in Frontiers in Marine Science

Ray, Natalie 2019

"On the edge of inclusion: A look at the shifting of representation in museum display and archival cataloging" in Theses and Projects

Bourdeau, Paul E. 2019

"Predator identity dominates non-consumptive effects in a disease-impacted rocky shore food web" in Oecologia

Till, Claire P. 2019

"The iron limitation mosaic in the California Current System: factors governing Fe availability" in Limnology and Oceanography

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2019

"Management and Limnology Interact to Drive Water Temperature Patterns in a Middle Rockies River-Reservoir System" in JAWRA

Silver, Samantha 2019

"Pornstars, Content Creators, and Sex Educators: A Discourse Analysis of Gender, Sexuality & Resistance in the West-Coast Pornography Industry"  in Theses and Projects

Siering, Patricia L. 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Nakamoto, Rodney J. 2019

"California roach (Hesperoleucus symmetricus) in the Eel River of northwestern California: native or introduced?" in Environmental Biology of Fishes

Macedo, Adrian 2019

"Evaluating the Effect of Time of Day on Singing Behavior in Anna’s Hummingbirds" in ideaFest Journal

Morehead, William 2019

“Public Hospitals: Are They on Life Support?” in The Journal of Government Financial Management

Whitford, Malachi D. 2019

"An overview of behavioral, physiological, and environmental sensors used in animal biotelemetry and biologging studies" in Animal Biotelemetry

Gutierrez, R. J. 2019

"The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Navares, Kawai 2019

"Kaulana Na Wai Eha" in ideaFest Poster

Tamayo, Nathan 2019

"Performance profile for tabata intermittent training on treadmill" in Theses and Projects

Emerson, Christine 2019

"A Geospatial Recipe for Identifying Social Values and Fragmentation Issues of the Friends of the Dunes Land Trust" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Skola, Dylan 2019

"SF2523: Dual PI3K/BRD4 Inhibitor Blocks Tumor Immunosuppression and Promotes Adaptive Immune Responses in Cancer" in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Szykman Gunther, Micaela 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Virnoche, Mary E. 2019

 "Mentoring in the Middle Years: Major-Based Peer Mentors and an Experienced-Based Sociology Curriculum" in ideaFest Journal

Winfield-Perez, Ollie 2019

"Gender Talks" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Haro, Celia 2019

"Cultivating Chingona power: a Study on the Chingona Identity" in Theses and Projects